CSLI Fall 2007 Survey Review the process Review the findings
Review the process - 1 Public has need to express its policy preferences CSLI serves community – provides feedback about policies and issues Students serve vital role –Provide ideas for questions –Assist with telephone interviews –Help refine the process –Gain knowledge about civic affairs
Review the process – 2 The CSLI process –Get ideas for new survey What’s interesting? Who cares? What can be asked in a poll? –Conduct survey Generate questionnaire Train students in telephone/marking instructions Review questionnaire with students Conduct telephone interviews –Target completions –Accomplished – 936 completions Issue Press ReleasePress Release Expect coverage in media – Baltimore Sun, Baltimore Examiner, Capital, WNAVBaltimore SunBaltimore Examiner Web site – press release posted
Findings - 1
Findings - 2
Findings - 3 Bush Job Approval – by Party
Findings - 4 Iraq Policy – by Party & Ideology
Findings - 5 Taxes
Findings - 6 “How familiar are you with the issue of global warming – very, somewhat or not very familiar?” Global Warming How familiar?Percentage Very39 Somewhat50 Not very11 No answer1 Total101
Findings - 7 “How familiar are you with the issue of global warming – very, somewhat or not very familiar?” Global Warming
Findings - 8 Global Warming Agreement with Propositions about Global Warming Proposition – Global warming… Ag ree Disa gree NA Total Is probably occurring Has been caused or increased by human activity releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere Will have long-term sharp impacts on coastal areas like Anne Arundel County due to rising water levels Has already had some effects on the environment in your neighborhood
Findings - 9 “ Has been caused or increased by human activity releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere” Global Warming
Findings - 10 Global Warming Agreement with Policies about Global Warming ProposalAgr ee Disag ree NATotal Increase taxes on carbon based fuels like gasoline and natural gas Change lifestyles so that individuals use less fuels Provide tax incentives for energy saving such as purchasing fuel efficient vehicles or energy saving appliances Have federal government set clear goals and timetables for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
Findings - 11 “ Increase taxes on carbon based fuels like gasoline and natural gas” Global Warming
Findings - 12 Global warming: Familiarity by AGE, GENDER, EDUCATION Global Warming How Familiar? Men.01 Wo men HS Dip Some Coll BAPostgrad Work.01 Very Somewhat Not very Human Cause? Men.01 Wo men HS Dip Some Coll BAPostgrad Work.09 Agree Disagree No answer Carbon Tax? Men.3 Wo men HS Dip Some Coll BAPostgrad Work.01 Agree Disagree No answer
Findings - 13 Global Warming Agreement with Increasing Carbon Taxes – by Party
Findings - 14 Agreement with Increasing Carbon Taxes – by Party
Findings - 15 Global Warming: Whose Responsibility? Entity% The Federal government39 State or local government15 Companies10 Individuals24 None as there is no solution to global warming 3 Don’t know10 Total101
Findings - 16 Global Warming: Whose Responsibility – by Party
Findings - 17 Global Warming: Federal Responsibility – by Party & Ideology