CLIC cost drivers Philippe Lebrun on behalf of the C&S WG CLIC Technical Committee 3 November 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

CLIC cost drivers Philippe Lebrun on behalf of the C&S WG CLIC Technical Committee 3 November 2009

Ph. Lebrun – CTC CLIC Cost & Schedule WG Mandate Establish and optimize the cost of the CLIC complex at the nominal colliding beam energy of 3 TeV, as well as that of an optional first phase with a colliding beam energy of 500 GeV Define and optimize the general schedule for the 3 TeV and 500 GeV projects defined above Estimate the electrical power consumption of the 3 TeV and 500 GeV projects defined above Identify possible modifications of parameters and/or equipment leading to substantial capital and/or operational cost savings, in order to define best compromise between performance and cost Develop collaboration with ILC project on cost estimate methodology and cost of common or comparable systems, aiming at mutual transparency Document the process and conclusions in the CDR in 2010 April 2009

Ph. Lebrun – CTC CLIC Cost & Schedule WG Activities 2009 Establish responsibilities, procedures & workpackages in cost assessment Reception specified costing tool, including currency conversion & price escalation procedures, and start applying it Identify domains of analytical costing and perform estimates Identify cost drivers and areas of potential cost reduction Conduct first round of analytical costing of CLIC 3TeV Establish proper technical/cost scaling of CLIC 500 GeV Refine general schedule and derive manufacturing/reception testing/installation constraints Update estimates of power & energy consumption, including part-load operation Collaborate with ILC on previously defined cost topics –Cost risk analysis –Cost of normal conducting magnets April 2009

Ph. Lebrun – CTC Analytical costing based on PBS Component level List of systems standardized Contact experts per system Coordinators per domain/subdomain Identified for analytical costing based on level 5 description

Ph. Lebrun – CTC Status of analytical cost estimates CLIC Study Costing Tool –Operational –Based on PBS for CLIC 3 TeV and 500 GeV, as defined by TC for the CDR ⇒ analytical cost upload just started Questionnaire sent to Domain/Subdomain Coordinators (3 August 2009) –Preparation of analytical cost estimate review –Identification of cost drivers, risks and reduction issues ⇒ one received so far! Presentations at C&S WG meetings –24 September 2009: Main beam production - damping rings (Y. Papaphilippou) –29 October 2009: Drive beam production (B. Jeanneret), Two-beam accelerator modules (G. Riddone) –5 November 2009: Infrastructure & services (J. Osborne) –26 November 2009: Main beam production - injectors & beam transport (L. Rinolfi), [Interaction region (L. Gatignon)] ⇒ work in progress ⇒ technical definition for analytical costing not available for all domains/subdomains

Ph. Lebrun – CTC Main linacs are the cost drivers The main linacs account for a large fraction of CLIC cost, and impact strongly on other capital (tunnel, infrastructure, services) and operation (electricity, cooling, maintenance) costs Very high, unprecedented multiplicity of components, will require novel solutions for manufacturing, installation, maintenance, reliability assessment Direct Indirect impact CLIC 3 TeV cost estimate 2007 (H. Braun & G. Riddone) CLIC 3 TeV (per linac) Modules: Accelerating str.: 71406PETS: MB quadrupoles: 1996DB quadrupoles: CLIC 3 TeV (per linac) Modules: Accelerating str.: 71406PETS: MB quadrupoles: 1996DB quadrupoles: CLIC 500 GeV (per linac) Modules: 2124 Accelerating str.: 13156PETS: 6578 MB quadrupoles: 929DB quadrupoles: 4248 CLIC 500 GeV (per linac) Modules: 2124 Accelerating str.: 13156PETS: 6578 MB quadrupoles: 929DB quadrupoles: 4248

Ph. Lebrun – CTC CLIC vs LHC series components Flexible cells, manual work Flexible workshops Automatic chains CLIC AS CLIC PETS CLIC Quads CLIC TBM AS quadrants AS discs

Ph. Lebrun – CTC Cost drivers & potential saving options Main and drive beam production Cost driverCost saving impact Cost mitigation optionAlternativeRisk/benefit of alternative Specific actions Responsible Damping ring wigglers: superconducting LNormal conducting Y. Papaphilippou Drive beam RF power generation M10 MW (peak power) klystrons More units: reliability vs industrial availbility E. Jensen Drive beam phase and amplitude control LAlternative scheme under study CTC Turnaround magnetsLPermanent magnets JB. Jeanneret Cost impact LOrder of 10 MCHF MOrder of 100 MCHF HOrder of 1 BCHF C&S WG review not completed!

Ph. Lebrun – CTC Cost drivers & potential saving options Two-beam modules [1/2] Cost driverCost saving impact Cost mitigation optionAlternativeRisk/benefit of alternative Specific actions - Responsible Accelerating structure stacked disc construction HQuadrant constructionTechnical validation pending Industrial cost studies, prototyping CMWG Accelerating structure vacuum tank MSealed constructionLeakagePrototyping CMWG Production yield of accelerating structures M to HProduction control and testing Industrial prototyping & preseries production CMWG Replacement of 80 MV/m accelerating structures MReuse 80 MV/m structures or install 100 MVm straight-away Maximum energy CMWG PETS on-off mechanismMDevelop and industrialize I. Syratchev Drive beam quadrupoles: unprecedented number MAutomated manufacturing M. Modena Powering of drive beam quadrupoles MCustom manufacturing through automation Novel powering scheme ("intelligent bus") To be developed S. Pitter Cost impact LOrder of 10 MCHF MOrder of 100 MCHF HOrder of 1 BCHF

Ph. Lebrun – CTC Cost drivers & potential saving options Two-beam modules [2/2] Cost driverCost saving impact Cost mitigation optionAlternativeRisk/benefit of alternative Specific actions Responsible Corrector dipolesMUse radial displacement of quadrupoles Assess technical feasibility CMWG Active alignment systemHDevelop low-cost sensors and movers Reduce number of independant loops Assess technical feasibility H. Mainaud-Durand and CMWG Stabilization systemMDevelop low-cost sensors and movers Review need for hexapod vs tetrapod support of quadrupole Assess technical feasibility K. Artoos and CMWG Support girdersMDevelop and industrialize non-metallic material construction Design common girder for main and drive beam Assess technical feasibility, would impact favorably on alignment and stabilization system costs Industrial cost study CMWG Wake-field monitorsMDevelop low-cost electronics Review need for WFM in each structure Beam emittance controlW. Wuensch Beam instrumentationMStandardize electronics and develop innovative cabling solutions Review number of instruments Beam emittance controlR. Jones, T. Lefevre Cost impact LOrder of 10 MCHF MOrder of 100 MCHF HOrder of 1 BCHF

Ph. Lebrun – CTC Cost drivers & potential saving options Interaction regions Cost impact LOrder of 10 MCHF MOrder of 100 MCHF HOrder of 1 BCHF C&S WG review not completed! Cost driverCost impact Cost mitigation optionAlternativeRisk/benefit of alternative Specific actions Responsible Final BDS for 500 GeVMReduced-length BDS would not fit in same tunnel Under study BPWG

Ph. Lebrun – CTC Cost drivers & potential saving options Infrastructure and services Cost driverCost saving impact Cost mitigation optionAlternativeRisk/benefit of alternative Specific actions Responsible Tunnel cross-section increase MMainly imposed by transverse ventilation Installed power and power consumption MPower distribution scheme Revised assessment of installed power and power consumption Tunnel ventilationMLimit power dissipation in air, reduce length of ventilation sector Cost impact LOrder of 10 MCHF MOrder of 100 MCHF HOrder of 1 BCHF C&S WG review not completed!

Ph. Lebrun – CTC Summary Cost consciousness well established in CLIC technical working groups (Module, RF structures, CES,…) Some cost drivers and cost reduction areas identified - as well as their interplay - analysis not yet exhaustive Cost scaling models only exist for limited number of components or subsystems Analytical costing exercise under way by domain coordinators with input from technical system experts, in domains where technical baseline exists Technical baseline to be defined in other domains Significant differences observed w r to 2007 cost estimate Feedback provided to technical system design Targeted cost studies by industrial companies considered, in particular for large-series components Reliability/availability assessment to be conducted (TC?) for system design and possible cost impact