Inside APEC 11 January 2006 APEC Secretariat Presented by Anita Douglas Communications & Public Affairs Director, APEC Secretariat
Introducing APEC (Source:World Bank’s World Development Indicators (Online); DFAT's "The APEC Region Trade and Investment" 2004 and 2005; and United Nations Monthly Bulletin of Statistics ) The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum is the world’s largest cooperative economic forum with its Member Economies accounting for 56% of world GDP, 41% of the world’s population, and 48% of world trade.
APEC’s Economic Significance World: 6.35 billion APEC 2.62 billion World US$41 trillion APEC US$23 trillion Source: World Bank’s World Development Indicators (Online); DFAT's "The APEC Region Trade and Investment" 2004 and 2005; and United Nations Monthly Bulletin of Statistics World US$17 billion APEC US$8 billion
In the first 10 years of APEC - (Source: Mid-term Stocktake and The First Decade Since Bogor: A Business Assessment of APEC’s Progress by the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC)) 195 million new jobs were created, including 174 million in lower income economies 165 million people in the region were lifted out of poverty Since the Bogor Declaration - Average tariffs declined from 12% in 1995 to 5.5% in 2004 All developed Member Economies but one now have average tariffs of less than 5% Benefits of Liberalisation to the Region
Trade and Investment Barriers have Fallen (Source: Mid-term Stocktake and The First Decade Since Bogor: A Business Assessment of APEC’s Progress by the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC)) Almost 50% of all tariff lines in APEC have fallen below 5 % FDI outflows from the APEC region more than doubled from 1989 to 2003 Strengthening the Multilateral Trading System By 2005, 53 RTA/FTAs entered into force Advancing the WTO’s Doha Round Mid-term Stock-take
APEC Member Economies APEC Official Observers Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) Pacific Islands Forum (PIF)
Key Economic Indicators Source: 1. The Economist: Pocket World in Figures: 2005 Edition 2. The APEC Region Trade and Investment 2004
APEC Economic Data Source: Exports and Imports Data - DFAT's "The APEC Region Trade and Investment" 2004 and 2005 GDP - World Bank's World Development Indicators (Online)
Aim and Goals Free and Open Trade and Investment in the Asia- Pacific by 2010 for Industrialised Economies and 2020 for Developing Economies Aim Bogor Goals To Advance Economic Dynamism and Sense of Community with the Asia-Pacific Region
Scope of Work Trade and Investment Liberalisation Business Facilitation Economic and Technical Cooperation New Challenges –Addressing the Security Agenda –Addressing Pandemic Health Threats –Addressing Sub-regional Trading Arrangements –Reforming APEC
Key Action Plans Osaka Action Agenda Individual Action Plans Collective Action Plans
Development Process Foundation Period ( ) –Informal Ministerial-Level Dialogue –Agreement on Modus Operandi Vision Setting ( ) –First Economic Leaders’ Meeting –Bogor Goals of Free and Open Trade and Investment –Osaka Action Agenda Framework for Meeting the Bogor Goals Action Planning ( ) – Collective and Individual Action Plans – Action Plan for the New Economy New Courses (2001 – Present) – Shanghai Accord – Counter-Terrorism – Busan Roadmap
APEC’s Structure
APEC Host Economics
How APEC Operates Policy Level – Economic Leaders’ Meeting Ministerial Meeting Sectoral Ministerial Meetings APEC Business Advisory Council
How APEC Operates Working Level - Senior Officials’ Meeting Committee on Trade and Investment SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation Economic Committee Budget and Management Committee
Stakeholder Participation Business Academic and Research Institutions Women
APEC Secretariat 1989/93 – Administration and Support Functions by Economies – Permanent Secretariat Established in Singapore with Staff of 12. Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation Special Account - US$2 - 3 million Budget (2006) –Administration – US$2.2 Million –Operational – US$2 Million –Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation Project Special Account – US$5 Million –APEC Support Fund – US$779,000
Further Information APEC Website - APEC Secretariat 35 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore , Telephone: (65) Fax: (65) ,
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