1. List the three motivations of Explorers: 2. What trade route were many explorers searching for? 3. What part of Europe were explorers from? 4. List.


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Presentation transcript:

1. List the three motivations of Explorers: 2. What trade route were many explorers searching for? 3. What part of Europe were explorers from? 4. List four main countries most explorers were from: Explorers Review

1. List the three motivations of Explorers: 2. What trade route were many explorers searching for? 3. What part of Europe were explorers from? 4. List four main countries most explorers were from: Explorers Review Gold: get rich! Glory: get famous! God: get converts to Christianity!

1. List the three motivations of Explorers: 2. What trade route were many explorers searching for? 3. What part of Europe were explorers from? 4. List four main countries most explorers were from: Explorers Review Gold: get rich! Glory: get famous! God: get converts to Christianity! A western route to Asia (China and India)

1. List the three motivations of Explorers: 2. What trade route were many explorers searching for? 3. What part of Europe were explorers from? 4. List four main countries most explorers were from: Explorers Review Gold: get rich! Glory: get famous! God: get converts to Christianity! A western route to Asia (China and India) Western Europe (on Atlantic Coast)

1. List the three motivations of Explorers: 2. What trade route were many explorers searching for? 3. What part of Europe were explorers from? 4. List four main countries most explorers were from: Explorers Review Gold: get rich! Glory: get famous! God: get converts to Christianity! A western route to Asia (China and India) Western Europe (on Atlantic Coast) Spain, Portugal, England, and France

5. Who was Vasco da Gama? 6. What year did Columbus sail? 7. What was Columbus’ purposes for sailing? 8. What did Columbus discover? 9. Why did Ferdinand Magellan sail? Explorers Review

5. Who was Vasco da Gama? 6. What year did Columbus sail? 7. What was Columbus’ purposes for sailing? 8. What did Columbus discover? 9. Why did Ferdinand Magellan sail? Explorers Review First European to sail to India (around Africa)

5. Who was Vasco da Gama? 6. What year did Columbus sail? 7. What was Columbus’ purposes for sailing? 8. What did Columbus discover? 9. Why did Ferdinand Magellan sail? Explorers Review First European to sail to India (around Africa) 1492

5. Who was Vasco da Gama? 6. What year did Columbus sail? 7. What was Columbus’ purposes for sailing? 8. What did Columbus discover? 9. Why did Ferdinand Magellan sail? Explorers Review First European to sail to India (around Africa) 1492 to find a western route to Asia--to convert indigenous peoples to Christianity

5. Who was Vasco da Gama? 6. What year did Columbus sail? 7. What was Columbus’ purposes for sailing? 8. What did Columbus discover? 9. Why did Ferdinand Magellan sail? Explorers Review First European to sail to India (around Africa) 1492 to find a western route to Asia--to convert indigenous peoples to Christianity America

5. Who was Vasco da Gama? 6. What year did Columbus sail? 7. What was Columbus’ purposes for sailing? 8. What did Columbus discover? 9. Why did Ferdinand Magellan sail? Explorers Review First European to sail to India (around Africa) 1492 to find a western route to Asia--to convert indigenous peoples to Christianity America to find a western route to Asia

10. What did Magellan’s men do? 11. What is Hernan Cortes famous for? 12. What is Francisco Pizarro famous for? 13. What is a “conquistador?” 14. What disease killed most Native Americans? Explorers Review

10. What did Magellan’s men do? 11. What is Hernan Cortes famous for? 12. What is Francisco Pizarro famous for? 13. What is a “conquistador?” 14. What disease killed most Native Americans? Explorers Review Circumnavigate (sail around) the world

10. What did Magellan’s men do? 11. What is Hernan Cortes famous for? 12. What is Francisco Pizarro famous for? 13. What is a “conquistador?” 14. What disease killed most Native Americans? Explorers Review Circumnavigate (sail around) the world He conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico--claimed Mexico for Spain

10. What did Magellan’s men do? 11. What is Hernan Cortes famous for? 12. What is Francisco Pizarro famous for? 13. What is a “conquistador?” 14. What disease killed most Native Americans? Explorers Review Circumnavigate (sail around) the world He conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico--claimed Mexico for Spain He conquered the Inca Empire in Peru/Chile--claimed land for Spain

10. What did Magellan’s men do? 11. What is Hernan Cortes famous for? 12. What is Francisco Pizarro famous for? 13. What is a “conquistador?” 14. What disease killed most Native Americans? Explorers Review Circumnavigate (sail around) the world He conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico--claimed Mexico for Spain He conquered the Inca Empire in Peru/Chile--claimed land for Spain a Spanish conqueror

10. What did Magellan’s men do? 11. What is Hernan Cortes famous for? 12. What is Francisco Pizarro famous for? 13. What is a “conquistador?” 14. What disease killed most Native Americans? Explorers Review Circumnavigate (sail around) the world He conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico--claimed Mexico for Spain He conquered the Inca Empire in Peru/Chile--claimed land for Spain a Spanish conqueror small pox

15. Who was Sir Francis Drake: 16. List two famous acts for which Drake is known: 17. What did Jacques Cartier do? 18. What eventually happened to this land? Explorers Review

15. Who was Sir Francis Drake: 16. List two famous acts for which Drake is known: 17. What did Jacques Cartier do? 18. What eventually happened to this land? Explorers Review English Explorer

15. Who was Sir Francis Drake: 16. List two famous acts for which Drake is known: 17. What did Jacques Cartier do? 18. What eventually happened to this land? Explorers Review English Explorer First Englishman to circumnavigate the Earth. Also famous for pirating Spanish ships and ports in America

15. Who was Sir Francis Drake: 16. List two famous acts for which Drake is known: 17. What did Jacques Cartier do? 18. What eventually happened to this land? Explorers Review English Explorer First Englishman to circumnavigate the Earth. Also famous for pirating Spanish ships and ports in America Claimed Quebec (Canada) for France

15. Who was Sir Francis Drake: 16. List two famous acts for which Drake is known: 17. What did Jacques Cartier do? 18. What eventually happened to this land? Explorers Review English Explorer First Englishman to circumnavigate the Earth. Also famous for pirating Spanish ships and ports in America Claimed Quebec (Canada) for France France lost all of Canada to Great Britain in the Seven Years’ War ( )