1 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER METHODOLOGIES THE CASE OF CENTRAL MACEDONIA REGION (Greece) IRE thematic network VERITE “Conference on Technology Transfer and Technology Clinics” Helsinki 7-8- May 2003 Prof. Nicos Komninos Mr. Dimitris Milosis Mr. Costas Tramantzas
2 20% of Greece
3 Research bodies Aristotle University University of Macedonia Higher Tech. Educ. Institute CERTH Intermediary organizations Technology Park F.I.N.G. A.I.T.E.N.G. Incubators Industrial zone Private consultants RCM involved bodies
4 Innovation Strategy for RCM Digital Research Center Regional Innovation Observatory Technology Foresight I M T s Development Dissemination Application Knowledge Clusters Bio-food Information technologies Telecommunication e-health - medical services Financial services - Consulting Technology Clinics Technology brokerage Technology Transfer Data Bases AISE Digital Research Center Digital Tools New venture tools Benchmarking E-learning NPD Devel.plans
5 Excellence in RCM 10 PILOT PROJECTS Technology foresight IT cluster Biological food cluster Knowledge-based clusters Technology clinics Digital research centre Excellence awards IT training & e-learning e-Partenariat Observatory for innovation and entrepreneurship
6 Technology Clinics - RCM methodology Technology Transfer
7 Strengthening of the innovation culture within regional SMEs Creation of links between SMEs and research infrastructure Establishment of a technology transfer process Preparation of SMEs for funding opportunities Technological strategy for innovation Business Planning Quality systems application Environmental management and policy Product marketing channels E-commerce Supply chain management New product development Energy saving systems Business excellence 10 Thematic Areas Expected results Technology Transfer
8 1. contact - acceptance - trust 2. technology audit - needs identification 3. funding program - proposal - approval 4. plan of action 5. databases - technology identification 6. assessment - …… - agreement signed Technology Brokerage service Technology Transfer
9 856 New Technologies 2300 Companies (SMEs) 66 Liaison offices 206 Research Labs 36 Research Institutes DATA BASE AISE is based on: 1)The knowledge by TTP of the technological information needs of the local companies 2)Access of TTP to many technological databases 3)The availability of experts/ researchers from the 4 research institutes of CERTH who aid in the selection of reliable and significant technological information. Companies Databases Experts Internet Technology Data Base Data Bases
10 Discussion Forum Research Labs Aristotle University University of Macedonia Higher Tech. Educ. Institute CERTH … Center Data Base Research results Research services Customers SMEs Users Public organisations Venture Capitals Incubators Data Input Data search Patents Prototypes Roadmap: Technology Transfer – Intellectual Property Rights Patents, Copyright, Licences Roadmap: Technology Watch - Prototype development Technology search – technology evaluation – prototype dev. Roadmap: Spin-off companies Tech. Needs / Procedures Dissemination activities for the DRC (web – seminars - leaflets) Pilot application: Expolitation of research results (15 pilot applications – 5 spinn-offs, 5 prototypes, 5new products) Roadmap: Management of Quality New product Development - Services Market Research On-line Tools Digital Research Data Bases
11 Virtual Network of European Technology Parks One-stop-shop to provide on-line services Tools to help the development of Innovative firms Digital Tools
12 Virtual Tool-Box. Tech. AUDIT Tech. CLINICS Tech. WATCH Tech. ASSESSMENT FINANCING Innovation MARKETING of Innovation Tools to help the development of Innovative firms Digital Tools
13 Online Benchmarking Digital Tools
14 e-Learning e-Learning Digital Tools
15 Online New Product Development Digital Tools
16 Follow-up of RTP-RIS-RITTS in Central Macedonia, Basque Country, Crete, Norte, Thessaly, and Wales Focuses on: Development of innovation management tools and technologies Development of innovation management tools and technologies Dissemination of innovation, regional learning Dissemination of innovation, regional learning Use of telematics and online dissemination tools Use of telematics and online dissemination tools Innovation Management Techniques in RCM ( I. M. T. ’s
17 IMT’s (dissemination process) I. M. T. ’s
18 Central Macedonia Innovation Pole AUTh CERTH AITENG TP/MDC - FING