Results of the Group Climate Research Viru Prison Group Climate Research In May 2015 we visited your institution and asked you to fill out a questionnaire consisting questions about your experiences of your stay in the prison. We also had some interviews with adolescents. We would like to present the results of the research to you in this leaflet. Logo instelling
Living group climate… what is that? The living group climate is your perception of the social environment on the group/unit where you stay. There are four dimensions of the group climate that can be divided: support (whether you think the group workers help and support you), growth (whether you learn things during your stay that are helpful for your future), atmosphere (whether there is a safe and positive atmosphere between the adolescents) and repression (whether there are strict rules and if there is force used by group workers). When there is a positive group climate, you experience a lot of growth, support from the group workers, a positive atmosphere and a low level of repression. A positive living group climate is important to profit from your treatment in the future.
Living group climate The results show that the adolescents in your institution experience the living group climate negative compared to the other institions in Estonia. Grades = Real satisfied = A bit satisfied = Not really satisfied, but also not unsatisfied = A bit unsatisfied = Really unsatisfied The support you get from the social workers The things you learn The atmosphere on the group Honesty on your group/unit The rules on your unit/group Support Growth Repression Atmosphere 3,9 4,7 4,0 4,1
Living group climate research… and then? The results of this research are also given to the staff and the management of the institutions. It is very important for them, because they want to learn from the results of this research. Together with you, they want to improve the living group climate in your facility. The interviews are also used for this. In December we will ask you again to fill out a questionnaire or participate in an interview. This way we can monitor the living group climate and see whether it has improved. We hope you will take part in the research again! Thanks for your cooperation! If you have any questions about the results or about the research, please don’t hesitate to contact: Dr. Peer van der Helm The research is led by: Peer van der Helm Lector Residential Youth Care Expertisecentre Youth, Univerity of Applied Sciences Zernikedreef 11, room C1.001, Leiden