Interoperability of case-based training systems in medicine Alexander Hörnlein Universität Würzburg Matthias Holzer Universität München for the CASEPORT Consortium
What does it stand for? CASEPORT is the German PORT al for CASE -based learning in medicine!
A strong starting point...
Who participates? 4 case-based WBT systems 13 German medical faculties providing cases from Internal Medicine Neurology Psychiatry Associated partners: IMPP (German National Board of Examiners) MediaNovo® (common multimedia database) Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Pediatrics Surgery
Aims of CASEPORT Curricular integration of case-based learning & assessment in medicine Synergy of systems over heterogeneity Creation of a critical mass of content Open architecture to link other systems Open-Source (in combination with LMS ILIAS or other LMS...) „Selective use“ of standards (AICC, LOM, SCORM, IMC)
„I want to learn about myocardial infarction“
What could we make better?
The learning systems register their cases` metadata with CASEPORT via a SOAP interface
Meta Data
What Can You Do With CASEPORT? Search database & work on learning cases Create and exchange cases Integrate case-based learning courses in your curriculum Create user accounts and courses as a teacher Evaluate courses Use chat & news to communicate Make polls after course work Develop & implement computer-based tests
Quality Assurance Each learning case is reviewed from three perspectives Technically Pedagogically Medically Review questionnaires are standardized The review is preferrably made by experts from other institutions than the authors
The Heart of CASEPORT: The Case Search Medical Field Cardinal Symptom Diagnoses Learning Targets Institution Change Date
LMS: Student scenario 1) learner logs on 2) login data is validated 3) session token is generated and returned 4) learner gets access to his courses 5) learner starts case, token is passed as parameter 6) session token is validated 7) learning system plays case
The technical infrastructure
Example: Feedback collection
Prospects Broadening of content coverage Localization and adaptation of content Intelligent linking to systematic content Inclusion of further systems Grow open-source community Joint evaluation studies International collaboration!!
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