OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.1 COAST GOES-R Coastal Waters Imaging (CWI) Risk Reduction Activities Curtiss O. Davis College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.2 Presentation Outline Hyperspectral Environmental Suite-Coastal Water Imaging capability (HES-CW) is planned for GOES-R (being developed for launch in 2012). –Ocean color measurements from geostationary orbit to provide frequent imaging of coastal waters. Why HES-CW given VIIRS? Overview of HES-CW requirements and goals The Coastal Ocean Applications and Science Team (COAST) and Risk Reduction Activities Planned field experiments to collect Simulated HES-CW data Summary
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.3 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Being built by Raytheon SBRS –SeaWiFS and MODIS heritage First flight on NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) in 2008 then NPOESS satellites starting in 2010 Seven ocean color channels and 2 SST channels Approximately 1 km GSD ocean color –742 m GSD and Nadir, 1092 m at +/- 850 km, 1597m at End of Scan (+/ km) –Designed to meet global ocean imaging requirements at 1 km GSD –Maximum revisit frequency of twice a day at 1030 and 1530 Approximately 1 km GSD ocean color –742 m GSD and Nadir, 1092 m at +/- 850 km, 1597m at End of Scan (+/ km) –Designed to meet global ocean imaging requirements at 1 km GSD –Maximum revisit frequency of twice a day at 1030 and 1530
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.4 Why HES-CW given VIIRS? Tides, diel winds (such as the land/sea breeze), river runoff, upwelling and storm winds drive coastal currents that can reach several knots. Furthermore, currents driven by diurnal and semi-diurnal tides reverse approximately every 6 hours. VIIRS daily sampling at the same time cannot resolve tides, diurnal winds, etc. HES-CW Can resolve tides from a geostationary platform and will provide the management and science community with a unique capability to observe the dynamic coastal ocean environment. HES-CW will provide higher spatial resolution (300 m vs m) HES-CW will provide additional channels to measure solar stimulated fluorescence, suspended sediments, CDOM and improved atmospheric correction. Example tidal cycle from Charleston, OR. Black arrows VIIRS sampling, red arrows HES-CW sampling. Example tidal cycle from Charleston, OR. Black arrows VIIRS sampling, red arrows HES-CW sampling. These improvements are critical for the analyses of coastal waters.
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.5 MODIS 1 km water clarity Modeled HES-CW (250 m) HES-CW higher spatial resolution critical to monitor complex coastal waters
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.6 Fluorescence provides better phytoplankton measurements in optically-complex coastal waters MODIS Terra l2 scene from 3 October The ratio of fluorescence line height to chlorophyll changes as a function of the physiological state of the phytoplankton. This can be exploited to assess the health and productivity of the phytoplankton populations. Fluorescence line height not available from VIIRS. MODIS Terra l2 scene from 3 October The ratio of fluorescence line height to chlorophyll changes as a function of the physiological state of the phytoplankton. This can be exploited to assess the health and productivity of the phytoplankton populations. Fluorescence line height not available from VIIRS.
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.7 HES-CW Key Threshold and Goal Requirements
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.8 Frequency of Sampling and Prioritizing Goal Requirements COAST top priority goals are: –Higher frequency of sampling –Goal channels for atmospheric correction –Hyperspectral instead of multispectral Threshold requirement is to sample all Hawaii and Continental U. S. coastal waters once every three hours during daylight –Plus additional hourly sampling of selected areas Goal requirement is hourly sampling of all U.S. coastal waters is strongly recommended, for cloud clearing and to better resolve coastal ocean dynamics. Goal requirements compete with each other, e.g. higher spatial resolution makes it harder to increase sampling frequency or SNR. Threshold requirement is to sample all Hawaii and Continental U. S. coastal waters once every three hours during daylight –Plus additional hourly sampling of selected areas Goal requirement is hourly sampling of all U.S. coastal waters is strongly recommended, for cloud clearing and to better resolve coastal ocean dynamics. Goal requirements compete with each other, e.g. higher spatial resolution makes it harder to increase sampling frequency or SNR. HES-CW built to the threshold requirements will be a dramatic improvement over present capabilities for coastal imaging.
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.9 COAST and Risk Reduction Activities Hyperspectral Environmental Suite-Coastal Water Imaging capability (HES- CW) planned for GOES-R (being developed for launch in 2012). The Coastal Ocean Applications and Science Team (COAST) was created in August 2004 to support NOAA to develop coastal ocean applications for HES-CW: –Mark Abbott, Dean of the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences (COAS) at Oregon State University is the COAST team leader, –COAST activities are managed through the Cooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies (CIOSS) a part of COAS, Ted Strub, Director –Curtiss Davis, Senior Research Professor at COAS, is the Executive Director of COAST. Paul Menzel Presented GOES-R Risk Reduction Program at the first COAST meeting in September 2004 and invited COAST to participate. –Curt Davis and Mark Abbott presented proposed activities in Feb –CIOSS/COAST invited to become part of GOES-R Risk Reduction Activity beginning in FY –Here we present an overview of our planned Risk Reduction Activities.
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.10 Risk Reduction Activities: Principal Roles of Co-Investigators Curtiss Davis, program management, calibration, atmospheric correction Mark Abbott, COAST Team Leader, phytoplankton productivity, chlorophyll and chlorophyll fluorescence Ricardo Letelier, phytoplankton productivity and chlorophyll fluorescence, data management Peter Strutton, coastal carbon cycle, Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Ted Strub, CIOSS Director, coastal dynamics, links to IOOS COAST Participants: Bob Arnone, NRL, optical products, calibration, atmospheric correction, data management Paul Bissett, FERI, optical products, data management Heidi Dierssen, U. Conn., benthic productivity Raphael Kudela, UCSC, HABs, IOOS Steve Lohrenz, USM, suspended sediments, HABs Oscar Schofield, Rutgers U., product validation, IOOS, coastal models Heidi Sosik, WHOI, productivity and optics Ken Voss, U. Miami, calibration, atmospheric correction, optics Other COAST members, as needed, in future years
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.11 HES-CW Data flow and Risk Reduction Activities Raw sensor data Calibrated radiances at the sensor Water Leaving Radiances In-Water Optical Properties Applications and products Users Calibration Atmospheric Correction Optical properties Algorithms Product models and algorithms now-cast and forecast models Data assimilation into models Education and outreach
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.12 Proposed Experiments to Collect Simulated HES-CW data (1 of 2) There are no existing data sets that include all the key attributes of HES-CW data: –Spectral coverage (.4 – 1.0 mm) –High signal-to-noise ratio (>300:1 prefer 900:1, for ocean radiances) –High spatial resolution (<150 m, bin to 300 m) –Hourly or better revisit Plan field experiments in to develop the required data sets for HES-CW algorithm and model development. Airborne system: –Hyperspectral imager that can be binned to the HES-CW bands –Flown at high altitude for minimum of 10 km swath –Endurance to collect repeat flight lines every half hour for up to 6 hours Planned experimental sites: –Monterey Bay Fall 2006 (coastal upwelling, HABs) –New York/Mid Atlantic Bight 2007 (river input, urban aerosols) –Gulf Coast 2008 (Mississippi Plume, Loop Current, HABs)
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.13 Proposed Experiments to collect simulated HES-CW data (2 of 2) Experimental Design: –Choose sites with IOOS or other long term monitoring and modeling activities –Intensive effort for 2 weeks to assure that all essential parameters are measured: -Supplement standard measurements at the site with shipboard or mooring measurements of water-leaving radiance, optical properties and products expected from HES-CW algorithms, -Additional atmospheric measurements as needed to validate atmospheric correction parameters, -As needed, enhance modeling efforts to include bio-optical models that will utilize HES-CW data. –Aircraft overflights for at least four clear days and one partially cloudy day (to evaluate cloud clearing) during the two week period. -High altitude to include 90% or more of the atmosphere -30 min repeat flight lines for up to 6 hours to provide a time series for models and to evaluate changes with time of day (illumination, phytoplankton physiology, etc.) All data to be processed and then distributed over the Web for all users to test and evaluate algorithms and models.
OSU_08/1/2005_Davis.14 Summary HES-CW will provide an excellent new tool for the characterization and management of the coastal ocean. Risk Reduction activities focus on calibration and algorithm development; –Initially provide SeaWiFS and MODIS heritage calibration and algorithms; – field experiments to develop example HES-CW data for -algorithm development and testing, -Coordination with IOOS for in-situ data and coastal ocean models, -Demonstrate terabyte web-based data system. –Major focus on developing advanced algorithms that take advantage of HES-CW unique characteristics. Efforts coordinated with NOAA ORA, NMFS and NOS with a focus on meeting their operational needs. Special thanks to Mark Abbott, Ted Strub, Amy Vandehey and the COAST for their hard work getting this program started. Thanks to NOAA for funding and particularly to Stan Wilson, John Pereira, Eric Bayler and Paul Menzel for their support and guidance.