REDD+ Guiana Plateau project First Steering Committee Meeting Paramaribo, 6 August 2013 Rene Somopawiro SBB, Suriname
Outlook 1.General information 2.Policy, Laws, Strategies and Institutions 3.REDD+ Readiness Proposal (RPP) 4.REDD+ Guiana Plateau Project Activities 5.Expectations
Land area:16.3 million ha Forest Cover: 14.8 million ha, 90% of land area Production forest 4.5 million ha -Timber cutting license : 2.1 million ha Protected area 2.1 million ha Timber production ; 436,000 m3/year (2012) Contribution forestry (Logging and timber processing) to the GDP < 2% Deforestation rate o.o2%/annually approx 3,000 ha/year Population 536,000, Growth 1.2 %/year Forest Carbon stock quick analysis: tons of carbon/hectare +/ ; NET SINK country General information
Constitution of 1987 Development Plan National Forest Policy (2003) Strategic Action Plan for the Forestry Sector Climate Action Plan, National Biodiversity Strategy 2005 Forest Management Act 1992, replace Timber Act 1947 Nature Conservation and Game Act 1957 Mining Decree 1982 REDD+ Readiness Proposal (RPP) 2013 Policy, Laws and Strategies
Policy, Laws and strategies (2) Suriname is at an early stage of a forest transition curve, which points at the risk that greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation could increase over time. REDD+ implementation in Suriname will aim at conserving existing carbon stocks and avoiding new emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and promote Sustainable Forest Management rather than decreasing existing emission levels. Suriname, as a HFLD country, will focus in the to-be formulated REDD+ Strategy on limiting the growth in the forest-transition curve and associated emissions, without limiting economic and social development. REDD+Readiness Proposal (RPP) 2013
Institutions Cabinet of the President, CCDU Ministry of Physical Planning Land and Forest Management (RGB) Stichting voor Bosbeheer en Bostoezicht (SBB) Technical work arm to promote SFM (MRV, RL) Minister of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (ATM) Minister of Natural Resources (NH) Minister of Agriculture, Husbandry and Fishery (LVV) Minister of Public Works (OW) Ministry of Regional Development (RO) National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS) NGO, CSO, Indigenous and Maroon people Private Sector Training and Research Institutions (ADEKUS, CELOS)
Project activity 1: Inventory of the resources (1) Forest Carbon Assessment Monitoring Project 2010 Pilot National Forest Inventory 2012 to date
Activity 1 (2) Monitoring logging activities Log tracking system GIS system Field control and Data gathering activities Personnel capacity building
Activity 1(3) Monitoring Forest Cover Change ACTO Regional project: Monitoring deforestation, Logging, Land use changes in the Pan Amazonian Forest Capacity building in Remote Sensing Establishment of a special Remote Sensing Unit within SBB (observation room) Forest cover map 2000 and 2009 indicating deforestation Continue delivering data on deforestation and in the later stage on forest degradation, logging and land use change Monitoring logging activities using GIS, Log tracking system and field control
ACTIVITY 2: Quantify and localize the factors of deforestation and forest degradation Deforestation rate : < 0.02%/yr Mining Agriculture Shifting cultivation Road building /infrastructure Logging (degradation) RPP quick preliminary analysis (RPP) In-depth analysis of the drivers is necessary
ACTIVITY 3: Modelling to aid decision-making in future development Development Plan for Suriname in Transition Need of scientifically valuation of forests and protected areas in Suriname REDD+ is a mechanism that could be used for creating economic benefits Climate Compatible Development Strategy that aims to minimize the impacts of climate change while maximizing human development opportunities for resilience.
ACTIVITY 3: Modelling to aid decision-making in future development RPP Establishing a national forest reference level (RL), and this process will result in data being acquired to model development scenarios with and without REDD+. Future development trends are an important element of the modelling, and the business-as-usual (BAU) scenario in Suriname expects a significant rise in emissions from deforestation and forest degradation A number of scenarios have been developed for Suriname KfW/RGB/CI Through dialogues with stakeholders as part of the R-PP process, 13 strategy option scenarios were identified for REDD+ in Suriname. These 13 options will be assessed and the most promising ones will become part of the national REDD+ Strategy. Capacity Building : Training in Modelling “ Spatial Planning Group”
Ongoing projects/activities Capacity building (NIMOS) for implementation of the RPP Enhancing Awareness on REDD+, including HFLD REDD+ conference in November 2013 Fundraising for the implementation of the RPP Continuation of the ACTO project Continuation of Pilot National Forest Inventory Consolidate and increase forest monitoring and promotion of SFM Implementation of the RPP Implementation of the REDD+ Guiana Plateau Project
Expectations Platform to exchange knowledge, skills and information from the region regarding REDD+ A regional approach to contribute in combatting Climate change, implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions, regional REDD+ strategy Contribution in the Implementation of the RPP Contribution in the formulation of a National Climate Change Compatible Strategy Contribute in capacity building and awareness raising
Thank you