Archibald Warnock FGDC Activities CIP/INFEO Interoperability and ISO CD2 Metadata Activities
INFEO Client to Isite Server Testing in collaboration with Maurice klein Gebbinck Spatial searching works No support for compound elements ProductDescriptor (4080) or SpatialCoverage (2059, called SpatialDomain in GEO 2.2) Isite supports only BoundingCoordinates (2060) GEO term ordering is different than that used by INFEO
INFEO Client to Isite Server Temporal support is inconsistent Isite supports an obsolete date range syntax; to be fixed shortly Isite supported an obsolete structure attribute (115) for specifying date ranges instead of DateString (210 – now fixed in internal versions) Semantics of spatial relations are not consistent, especially as regards relation attributes in comparing intervals
INFEO Client to Isite Server Must specify GEO attribute set ID Isite supports full-text queries using the Any use attribute (1016), not implemented in the INFEO Advanced Search interface.
INFEO Client to Isite Server Presentation Issues For GEO v2.2, Isite supports XML, HTML and SUTRS (plain text), not GRS-1 or USmarc The EOWEB interface is reported to permit searching GEO databases, but requires GRS-1 for presentation INFEO’s Advanced Search interface required several minutes to generate HTML output. Inspection of the sessions at the Isite server side found that the client was not asking for HTML from the server; rather it was requesting SUTRS and converting it.
GEO Clients to INFEO Server User Authentication CIP requires the use of the idAuthentication parameter in the InitRequest, and INFEO supports only type idPass. Isite and other clients generally do not require authentication information unless it is required for access. Indeed, interoperability testing with other servers generated significant problems in such cases.
GEO Clients to INFEO Server User Authentication More seriously, omission of idAuthentication or use of it with unexpected values in the InitRequest crashed the INFEO server rather than generating an error message. Investigations with other clients the Yaz client (using type Open instead of idPass) failed to connect, although INFEO generated an error message and did not crash FGDC Z39.50 gateway, based on the Blue Angel Technologies product (which omitted the idAuthentication parameter completely) crashed the INFEO server
GEO Clients to INFEO Server ReferenceID This is an optional parameter in the Z39.50 standard. By default, Isite and Yaz clients omit it Specifying a value crashes the Blue Angel MetaStar server. This has been reported to Blue Angel. Omitting a value fails to connect to INFEO Some utility is gained from the use of ReferenceID, but a robust implementation should be prepared to do without optional parameters.
FGDC and ISO FGDC is supporting ISO efforts to develop a syntax for spatial metadata. Ultimately, FGDC will migrate from its existing metadata format to one mandated by the ISO standard As a first step, FGDC is prototyping support for ISO metadata within the framework of the GEO profile
ISO CD2 Doctype The ISO CD2 document type implements the indexing, search and presentation capabilities in Isearch2, the search engine provided with Isite. The intention is to use the abstraction layer provided by Z39.50 to make ISO metadata appear as if it were FGDC metadata. In this way, the data does not have to be transformed into the standard FGDC XML format.
Field Mapping Z39.50 uses numeric “use attributes” of known semantic content for searching. Configuration files in Isite define the mapping between the Z39.50 use attributes and one or more specific fields in the metadata. This has been done for the GEO 2.2 profile use attributes.
Presenting Results Valid XML means we can build results of various sorts using stylesheet transformation tools like Xalan or Apache Cocoon From one XML document, it is possible to create results on demand – FGDC Brief and Summary element sets in any/all of SUTRS, XML, HTML, USmarc XSLT is difficult and tedious for XML as complex as ISO 19115
Future Work CIP/GEO Interoperability Resolve syntax issues with Isite date ranges Resolve record syntax issues Resolve INFEO authentication and reference ID issues ISO 19115/GEO Stylesheets needed Begin development of an ISO profile (GEO 3.0?) Use Z39.50 abstraction to map non-ISO formats to ISO