Greek Report on Educational Landscapes Questionnaires Ilias Rafail Psychologist-Training Coordinator
LEARNERS STATUS In the implementation, participated 10 counselors/ guidance workers and/or experts who deliver guidance services. Their great majority work in non governmental/ non profit organizations. A few of them work in public institutions In the implementation, participated 10 counselors/ guidance workers and/or experts who deliver guidance services. Their great majority work in non governmental/ non profit organizations. A few of them work in public institutions Concerning their professional identity, they come from humanistic field of expertise. They are mainly social workers and psychologists, but all of them have experience in career carrier guidance and support (as a part of their job in Counseling) Concerning their professional identity, they come from humanistic field of expertise. They are mainly social workers and psychologists, but all of them have experience in career carrier guidance and support (as a part of their job in Counseling)
LEARNERS STATUS In total participated ten (10) advisers of humanitarian sciences: 2 Psychologists 6 Social Workers 1 Career Guidance Counselor 1 Adult Trainer
UNITS STATUS NOSTOS (counseling unit supported by Greeks Repatriates Association) NOSTOS (counseling unit supported by Greeks Repatriates Association) IASIS (Sheltered house and Day Center for people with Mental Health Problems) IASIS (Sheltered house and Day Center for people with Mental Health Problems) EPSAMY (Sheltered house and Day Center for people with Mental Health Problems) EPSAMY (Sheltered house and Day Center for people with Mental Health Problems) IEKEP (Vocational Training Center) IEKEP (Vocational Training Center) GREEK JUVENILE PROBATION SERVICE GREEK JUVENILE PROBATION SERVICE
COMMENTS IN UK QUESTIONNAIRE Addressed people who have decided to continue their education or have already started a new education program Addressed people who have decided to continue their education or have already started a new education program Could be completed by the client without the help of counselor (closed questions, well structured in three sections) Could be completed by the client without the help of counselor (closed questions, well structured in three sections) Focused more at training procedure and countable indicators Focused more at training procedure and countable indicators
COMMENTS IN UK QUESTIONNAIRE Counselor's participation is very limited (just providing further details) Counselor's participation is very limited (just providing further details) Addressed people with good language skills and a good level of education and / or population in the process of education. (i.e. question 2.6) Addressed people with good language skills and a good level of education and / or population in the process of education. (i.e. question 2.6) “Simplicity”, easy to use in reception, saves time, a representative sample of a university “Simplicity”, easy to use in reception, saves time, a representative sample of a university
COMMENTS IN GR QUESTIONNAIRE Could be used in people who do not think about their education, but we want to motivate and sensitize them Could be used in people who do not think about their education, but we want to motivate and sensitize them Assistance from counselor is necessary. But for him/ her is required to "worked" before with him/ herself and to had a good knowledge of the concepts addressed by the questionnaire, viewed in the framework of Adult Education, Lifelong Learning, etc. Assistance from counselor is necessary. But for him/ her is required to "worked" before with him/ herself and to had a good knowledge of the concepts addressed by the questionnaire, viewed in the framework of Adult Education, Lifelong Learning, etc. More suitable for Social Excluded Groups (+45, refugees, specific categories of women etc) More suitable for Social Excluded Groups (+45, refugees, specific categories of women etc)
COMMENTS IN GR QUESTIONNAIRE Its an interview – based questionnaire Its an interview – based questionnaire It not use a rigid educational terminology, but ask the respondent to refer to his / her experiences It not use a rigid educational terminology, but ask the respondent to refer to his / her experiences Focused more at counseling procedure Focused more at counseling procedure Tool for “bonding” the relationship between Counselor & Beneficiary Tool for “bonding” the relationship between Counselor & Beneficiary
GENERAL CONCLUSIONS All ten participants consider the two questionnaires as very interesting and helpful materials for different stages of their work All ten participants consider the two questionnaires as very interesting and helpful materials for different stages of their work They all agreed that they provide a thorough framework allowing them to organize and systematize their knowledge and everyday work experiences They all agreed that they provide a thorough framework allowing them to organize and systematize their knowledge and everyday work experiences
GENERAL CONCLUSIONS They all found questionnaires well structured and easy to use in everyday working life They all found questionnaires well structured and easy to use in everyday working life They will adopt both in their institutions with some changes (according to their habits and nature of every institution) They will adopt both in their institutions with some changes (according to their habits and nature of every institution) They will use both also at their personal work (in small groups or individuals) as tools for pre- and after evaluation They will use both also at their personal work (in small groups or individuals) as tools for pre- and after evaluation
SUMMARY UK Questionnaire UK Questionnaire Close Close For mid / high level learners For mid / high level learners Self – use Self – use Reception or evaluation tool Reception or evaluation tool GR Questionnaire GR Questionnaire Open Open For mid / low level learners For mid / low level learners Needs counselor Needs counselor Counseling tool Counseling tool