Homophone practice Tacks Mite Night Cell Chili Mousse Pain Hare Tee Waist Flee Rap Nose Wait Prints peak
Answers: Tax Might Knight Sell Chilly Moose Pane Hare Tea Waste Flea Wrap Knows Weight Prince peek
Focused Free write Would you rather: 5 minutes Be banned from the internet for a year or not watch any tv for a year
Vocabulary Practice-choose the word that best fits in the blank. The students were ______ sharing their work. The teacher wanted to create a ______ classroom environment. The student was kicked out of school for _______ behavior. Her mom had a look of ________ when I told her about my F. The guidance counselor offered ________ for the students behavior.
TKAM-Chapter 6 answer the following questions in your notebook. Describe what the children were doing in the Radley yard and what they saw that made them run away? Scout didn’t want to join Jem and Dill, what did Dill say to her to convince her? Why is it important to Jem that he go back and get his pants before morning? What does Jem say to Scout that shows he feels what they did was wrong? What might account for Jem’s change of heart?
Questions Continued-think about handout before doing the following; How do the following characters change during the course of this chapter, or do they change at all? Dill Jem Scout Which of the three children would you say is the major character in this chapter? Cite incidents from the chapter to support your answer.
Don’t Forget: AR due tomorrow Vocabulary quiz tomorrow.
Homework-choose one of the following to write about in your notebook. 1. Imagine you are new in Maycomb and had recently met Scout, Jem and Dill. In a letter to a friend in your old hometown, describe the three of them. 2. Jem has to go back for his pants. Respond in the dialogue below, and defend his actions to a friend who says, Friend: It was stupid of Jem to go back for his pants; he could have been killed. You: