UNIT 1: WarmUp #5 In our society, is it easy for an individual to move up the economic ladder? Is it possible for an individual to fall down the economic ladder? Explain your answers in 2-3 sentences.
S OCIAL S TRUCTURE the network of interrelated statuses & roles that guide human interaction
S TATUS a socially defined position in a group or society
R OLE the behavior (the rights & obligations) expected of someone occupying a particular status
F IREFIGHTER example of roles: putting out fires, saving lives, wearing a uniform etc. example of conflict/strain: voluntarily puts self in danger but has loved ones who need him/her
M OTHER example of roles: providing food & shelter, nurturing family, disciplining children etc. examples of conflict/strain: work fatigue & long shifts make household tasks & interactions difficult
P.T.A. P RESIDENT examples of roles: running meetings, recruiting new members, planning activities etc. examples of conflict/strain: has trouble getting members to attend & follow through on promises
E XCHANGE when people interact in an effort to receive a reward or a return for their actions RECIPROCITY : the idea that if you do something for someone, that person owes you something in return
E XCHANGE T HEORY belief that people are motivated by self-interest in their interactions with other people
C OMPETITION occurs when 2 or more people or groups oppose each other to achieve a goal that only one can attain seen as a cornerstone of the Western capitalist economic system
C ONFLICT the deliberate attempt to control a person by force, to oppose someone, or to harm another person
C OOPERATION occurs when 2 or more people or groups work together to achieve a goal that will benefit more than one person
A CCOMMODATION a state of balance between cooperation & conflict think a hotel : stay for $60/night if cooperating : free if conflicting : no stay at all
FESTIVAL OF INDIA 2012 The event is organized by the India Association of Charlotte a nonprofit, non-religious, cultural organization established to serve the Indian Community in the Charlotte area. Its mission is to share Indian culture with the people of the Carolinas and to foster better understanding of the cultural diversity of India with the local Indian Diaspora and the American community at large. For the last seventeen years this event has drawn thousands of visitors from all around the Charlotte and vicinity. This is a great family event where students will find the event educational while adults will find it entertaining. This annual cultural festival showcases diversity of Indian food, art, dance, music and Bollywood entertainment. Don't miss out fun for all ages including yoga demos, henna tattoos, dancing on the street to live pulsating music and so much more. $5 Admission Price Additional $ for food, souvenirs, etc. for an EXTRA assignment grade, bring me a minimum 2-paragraph “Comparison” of your visual observations & experiences of Indian culture at the Festival with what you observed & experienced in our viewing of The Namesake. please attach your Admission Ticket & any other relevant materials (brochures, etc) to your paper, to receive credit. SATURDAY, SEPT. 22 nd 12-6 PM SUNDAY, SEPT. 23 rd 12-7 PM
CHAPTER 4 Page 68 #2-3 Page 72 #3-4 Page 77 #2-3 Page 81 #2-3 Page 89 #2-3 Page 90 #1-10 Identifying People & Ideas Page 90 #1-7 Understanding Main Ideas