Growing Fruit In Duluth
Planning –Fruit plot location Soil type Drainage Sun Water availability Slope Things to avoid
Planning Kinds of fruit to plant –Tree Fruit Apples Pears Cherries Plums –Small Fruit Raspberry, Strawberry Blueberry Grapes Juneberry Gooseberry/Curr ants
If you plant it, they will come! Planning
Apples for Duluth Early Apples –Mantet –Oriole –Duchess –State Fair –Beacon –Lodi Mid season –Chestnut crab –Wealthy –Minjon –Red Baron –Sweet 16 –Honeycrisp –Cortland ( in town) –Northwestern Greening
Apples for Duluth Late Apples –Most are too late and freeze in our early falls –Haralson our latest –Others will work in the city or in a protected microclimate
Pears for Duluth Golden Spice Gourmet Parker Summercrisp Ure Stacyville
Plums Hybrid Plums –South Dakota –Toka –Underwood –Wanetta European Plums –Avoid these except –Mt. Royal ( in town)
Cherries for Duluth Meteor North Star Bali Mesabi Prunus tomentosa –Nanking cherry Native cherries –Choke, Pin
Raspberries Summer –Latham –Boyne –Nordic –Festival –Amber ( yellow) Fall –Avoid most of these unless you don’t care about total yield –Autumn Britten (best) –Fallgold (yellow)
Blueberries Minnesota ½-high –Northblue –Northsky –Chippewa –Polaris –St.Cloud Wild – can be transplanted Avoid highbush
Strawberries June Bearing –Honeoye –Sparkle –Trumpeter –Veestar Ever-bearing –Ft. Laramie –Ogallala –Tribute
Seeded Grapes Beta (black) Valiant (black) Edelweiss (white) Swenson Red (Red) Wild grapes
Juneberries Honeywood Northline, Pembina Regent Smokey Theissen Wild
Gooseberry Pixwell Poorman Welcome
Black Currants Consort Antonina’s
Red Currant Red Lake MN 71