Paul Mills,
Contents 1.Company Overview 2.Financial Information 3.Boeing as a ‘Lean Enterprise’ 4.The Agility of Boeing 5.Recommendations 6.References 7.Any Questions?
History Founded in 1916 in the Puget Sound region of Washington state, USA Became leading producer of military and commercial aircraft Carried out a series of mergers and acquisitions to become the world’s largest aerospace company. [3] Founder: W. E. Boeing
What they do today Design and construct commercial jetliners Boeing 7-series family of airplanes lead the industry Commercial Aviation Services (CAS) offers broad range of services to passenger and freight carriers [3]
The Figures Customers in around 150 countries Contracts with 26,500 suppliers and partners around the world Total revenue in 2011: $68.7 billion [3] Cash to Cash Cycle time of 218 days [7] 70% of commercial airplane revenue from customers outside the United States [3]
Getting Lean – The 9 Step Plan
Boeing Production System Just-in-Time Just what is needed Just in the amount needed At just the moment needed Using minimum of: materials, equipment etc. Autonomation High Quality, efficient and reliable processes Separate human and machine work Respond to machine abnormalities Detection and Correction Levelled Production 5S + Safety Sort SimplifySweep Standardise Self-discipline PeopleStandard Work Takt Time Production Material Standard Work-in- progress Continuous Flow Production MachineTPM Pull Production
Is Agile? A Definition of Agility: ‘Agility means using market knowledge and a virtual corporation to exploit profitable opportunities in a volatile marketplace.’ [10]
Recommendations It might not be wise to be entirely Lean Don’t rely on single suppliers Deliveries of subassemblies must be highly balanced and coordinated More flexibility in product design and product variety with use of mass customisation
References [1] Boeing and China’s COMAC Launch Joint Effort for Biofuel Research (August, 2012) Retrieved November 23, 2012 from [2] Boeing Logo (May, 2010) Retrieved November 23, 2012 from association-baapa-asian-american-expo/boeing-logo/ [3]Boeing Overview Presentation. PDF (August, 2012) Retrieved November 24, 2012 from [5] History of Boeing (August, 2012) Picture retrieved from [6] Who’s flying the next generation 737? (November 2012) Retrieved from [7] Financial Data for Boeing (March, 2012) Retrieved from CCC [8] The Boeing 737/757 Lean Story (April, 2003) Retrieved November 19, 2012 from [9] The Lean Journey at the Boeing Company (2005) Retrieved November 19, 2012 from [10] ES4C9 Supply Chain Management Lecture 9 JIT, Lean & Agile (September, 2012) Retrieved November 26, 2012 from [11] DON, A.B. and JOHN, F.E., The Boeing Journey to Excellence: Lean Production Transformation in the Internal and External Supply Chains at Boeing. Quality Congress.ASQ's...Annual Quality Congress Proceedings, 57, pp [12] PILLA, A.L., The Lean Journey at the Boeing Company. ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement Proceedings,59, pp [13] Boeing Continues Partnership (September, 2012) Retrieved November 23, 2012 from
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