Welcome to Unit 8!! Do you believe it?!? ACADEMIC STRATEGIES Seminar 8: Career Connections Prof Linda Watson 1
Hello Everyone! So…..feel free to share your news from this week! 2
What is a degree worth? 3 Notice that people with a degree have a much lower unemployment rate than those without a degree!! Source:
Review of Unit 7… Setting goals S.M.A.R.T. goals Working on Interview Project? 4
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting Method S Specific M Measurable A Action-oriented R Realistic T Timed 5
Remember that To-Do List! Write it down – take the worry out of it! To-Do lists and Calendars are great methods! Template for To-Do lists at Mindtools Website: Veedid Desktop To Do list: 6
What is Due for Unit 8??? Discussion Question & Participation Assignment to the Dropbox (Interview) –Interview with a Professional Project Quiz Attend and participate in Seminar concept & Case Study discussions or submit Alternate Seminar Assignment 7
Field Trips ~ to O*Net and KU Career Resources CHOOSINGACAREER.NET and MindTools 8
DISCUSSION: Careers, Skills, and Interests 9 What is your immediate career goal (define your problem) and how will you make use of this week’s resources (generate alternatives / consider strategies) as you create the action steps (evaluate and implement) that will help you to reach that goal. Make sure to specifically reference at least two of the resources included in the Unit 8 reading. Putting your critical thinking skills and your creative problem solving skills to use now as you are investigating careers will help you discover and focus on a successful future!
DISCUSSION Remember… Use the four basic steps in problem solving as identified on the Mind Tools site referenced in your reading: Defining the problem. Generating alternatives. Evaluating & selecting alternatives. Implementing solutions. Visit the three given career resource sites included in the Unit 8 Reading (Kaplan Career Resources, O*Net and CHOOSINGACAREER.NET). Describe your discovery of information using the steps above as your guide to answering the questions. Think beyond the completion of your degree and start connecting with your career plans, even if they may still be several years away. Do not select degree completion as your career goal/problem. 10
DISCUSSION Discussion Checklist: Review two or more academic tools and career resources. Show how you will make use of specific information gained from reviewing academic and career resources. Demonstrate an understanding of the relation of using resources and problem solving skills to increase academic and career success by describing how you will use the resources to develop your professional future. 11
Discussion Incorporate unit/course concepts – use “According to…” to tie it together. Be sure to clearly and directly reference the unit reading material. 12
CLASS MOTTO It’s PEPO POWER, Folks!! Strive to Become a PEPO PRACTITIONER PEPO PRACTITIONER and Win!! –Post Early, Post Often –Plan Early, Plan Often –Prepare Early, Prepare Often –Proactive Early, Proactive Often –Practice Early, Practice Often 13
Remember… Unit 8 Assignment The Interview with a Professional will be used as your Unit 8 Assignment Project. Follow the steps discussed last week to plan and prepare for your interview if you have not already conducted the interview. Remember, this person must hold at least a two year degree and either be currently working or retired from your field of interest. Otherwise contact me to discuss… Be sure to have credentials as discussed, too. 14
The Interview Take this opportunity to learn as much as you can about your chosen career field. The person you interview may become a contact for future jobs, so choose wisely. (Remember that network!) Do not interview relatives! Remember, many interviews (even for an assignment) have led to an internship offer or even a job offer. You can do your interview in person or over the phone (best is in person if possible!). 15
Assignment 16
Interview Questions?? NOTE…….. SOUND FAMILIAR?
LOOKING FOR THAT A? DQ Grading Based on the Grading Rubric in the Syllabus, this is the breakdown reflected in the Discussion grades: 28/28 = Quality/Content, Clarity including Spelling & References, Professional 12/12 = Participation (responding to answers of at least 2 others, posting by Sat., post at least 3 different days, minimum word count) 40/40 18
19 UNIT 7-8 Academic Writing Assignment: Specific Grading Breakdown NOTE: Your numeric score and the instructor's reflective comments are based on the standards which are listed in the assignment/project grading rubric found in the course syllabus. These standards include Content, Analysis, and Style (grammar, spelling, sentence structure). UNITS 7 & 8 Interview with a Professional Assignment Quantitative Analysis: (point breakdown) possible points Identifying Information & Interview Questions:20.0 Reflection #1: How did you prepare? (minimum 10 sentences).10.0 Reflection #2: Value & Application? (minimum 10 sentences).10.0 Style (spelling, grammar, sentence structure) - 20% as outlined in the assignment/project grading rubric located in the syllabus. Total points40.0
Seminar grades are typically broken down as follows (Please see Grading Rubric in Syllabus for further info): 15/15 = Posted frequently/actively engaged *or Alternate Seminar Assignment Completed and Submitted Correctly 5--14/15 = Brief comments/posted infrequently *or Alternate Seminar Assignment not Completed/Submitted Properly 0/15 = Attended seminar, but no comments posted 0/15 = Did not attend seminar or submit Alternate Seminar Assignment 20 Seminar Grading
But First… Remember our past Word of the Week entries: Perspicacious, Sesquipedalian, and Logophile… Ground Rules… The first one typing in the definition wins! You can go on a field trip to an online dictionary, use a regular dictionary or provide it from knowledge, etc. Ready?? On your mark, get set… 22
GO!!!! 23
Word of the Week Loquacious 24
Onward and Upward! Ok. Let’s move on to the other topics for this week based on the Unit 8 readings. Ok. Let’s move on to the other topics for this week based on the Unit 8 readings. 27
Career Planning and Motivation Do you believe these two topics are very much intertwined? How? 29
Career Planning and Motivation Most certainly the two (career planning and motivation) are intertwined! When we have goals for our careers, we need to stay motivated to remain on course to reach those goals. We also have to be motivated to work toward finishing our degrees... That’s where our classmates and professors come in to help motivate us to get the work done and learn as much as we can. For instance, you can motivate each other (and I can help!) to finish the class assignments - and have fun learning new things along the way... 30
Career Planning and Motivation Back to basics... What is motivation anyway? 31
Career Planning and Motivation Exactly! Motivation is the incentive or drive you have to reach your goals or a desired result. It gives purpose to your actions. It helps us keep going even when you want to stop... Sort of like the Energizer Bunny? ;-) 32
Motivation - Abraham Maslow Have any of you heard of Abraham Maslow? (Don’t worry, no this wasn’t in your readings and won’t be on a test anywhere…) 33
Motivation - Abraham Maslow MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS 34
Any questions? 35
The Career Selection Process You may have some “twists and turns” on the road to your Career! That’s normal, though! Let’s discuss! 36
Careers Which career is right for you? 37
Careers On average, how many times does a person change jobs in their life time? How many times have you changed jobs? 38
Careers On average, how many times does a person change jobs in their life time? 7 or 8 times 39
Careers What are some of the reasons people make career changes? 40
Your Career - Your Puzzle Pieces FIT ALL YOUR PIECES TOGETHER! Your Interests… Your Goals… Your Skills… 41
Career Connection Understand that you have control over your future and you have many tools available to help you decide on a career that fits your interests. 42
Career Connection Which career is right for you? How do you find out? O*net, CHOOSINGACAREER.NET and Kaplan University Career Resources Center are three of many tools that you will explore to help find the "right" career. 43
Where Do We Look for Help? There is great information online that help you choose a major. Perhaps you would like more information on your area of expertise? Maybe you have not decided what you want to do! Wherever you are in your journey, there are several sites to help you start your exploration. 44
Where Do We Look for Help? Here is another great website to help you start your exploration: 45
Build Your Future With O*NET OnLine! O*NET OnLine is the best outside tool for career exploration and job analysis I have seen. There is a wealth of information here. O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more! Use tools to find out about salary and job expectations of careers that you are interested in so that you can develop the skills necessary. Also review the trends for that occupation for now and the future. 46
Career Connection Receive help to find the right career for you. Discuss your interests and skills with Career advisors. Receive support during your career search. Access the Kaplan University Career Resources Center. Through University Info or Quick Links… 47
Career Connection What tools are available for you? 49
Quote for the Week “Everyone enjoys doing the kind of work for which he is best suited.” Napoleon Hill 50
Any questions?? 51
I have at least two hours per week dedicated to AIM/MEEBO. AIM Office Hours are generally Wednesdays 3-5 pm ET. I am often online and logged into AIM/MEEBO. Feel free to take aim at me! AIM: PurpleLinW Be sure to include your name when AIM! In fact many ways to reach me: AIM, , phone ( ), texting?, MEEBO, Virtual Office in class… Tech Support: How can you reach me? 52
Have fun as you check out your career path choices! Have a wonderful day!