Spring 2012 Session 6 Dr. Alma Kadragic
Tonight’s program Reminder about Go over revised MMC 911 syllabus Discuss Campus News Stories Discuss Field Trip and Field Trip Story #1 – hard news Go over Exercise 2 Reminder about No Class on March 28, April 25 Reminder about April 11 Launch of MMC & MIST
Go to this URL and click to find Lecture notes Updated syllabi for MMC 910 and 911 E-readings for MMC 910 and 911 Additional readings contributed by class members Have you been part of the class dialogue?
Revised Syllabus for MMC 911 Will be available at mmc.twitbooksclub.org Changes are in readings, dates of assignments General clarification
On Campus News Story General comments about stories What problems did you have with revision? What was the most important thing you did in the revision?
Format for all stories from now 12 pt Calibri or Arial font Single space; double space between paragraphs No indenting for paragraphs No bold letters Title same size as text Full name at top of paper Make sure computer set left to right, not right to left
Field Trip Story #1 What’s a field trip? Why do reporters go on field trips? What research do you do before leaving? What do you bring back from a field trip?
Field Trip Story #1 cont. Requirements: 400 words maximum News story Story that couldn’t be done from home/office Includes interviews Sources of information provided are identified
Writing the paragraph for Exercise #2 Assignment is one paragraph Paragraph follows opening paragraph on the screen Keep to same tone, approach as the opening paragraph There are many ways to write the second paragraph Spelling and punctuation are important No sms language or abbreviations
How do you start? Read the opening paragraph several times Decide what direction you will take In your paragraph, you can introduce a second topic that follows from the first paragraph Many possibilities Your paragraph has to be constructed like a paragraph: topic sentence and supporting sentences The paragraph should have 3-5 sentences
Session 7 next week Field Trip story due March 21 before class: ed to me as Word attachment Will be returned by end of Saturday, March 24 Revision due by March 28 before 6 pm March 28 is a day off from class; however, you will have team presentations to work on
MMC911 Introduction to News Writing That’s it for tonight Continue with MMC910 readings. We’ll do a pre-exam review on Monday Be prepared to take notes and contribute to the discussion