Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Klick
Science In Science we use the hands on kits called FOSS as well as informational readers and packets. We have 3 learning maps (overall topics of study).
Forces of Motion Key Learning: An objects motion is a result of all of the forces acting upon it. Foss Kits used: Models and Designs and Levers and Pulleys We also cover the Scientific Method and an overall introduction to science. Major assessments: Rube Goldberg project, Levers and Pulleys Project, Simple Machines and Models and Designs Test, Amusement Park Project, Catapult Project, Newton’s Laws/Forces of Motion Unit Test.
Life Key Learning: Cells are the most basic unit of life and are able to carry out life’s processes. Foss Kit used: Diversity of Life Major Assessments: Diversity of Life Test Part 1, Building a Cell Project, Kingdoms of Life Project, Diversity of Life Test Part 2
Ecosystems Key Learning: Aquatic, terrestrial and human-made ecosystems consist of diverse living and non-living components that change over time and among geographic areas. Field Trip- Wildwood Nature Center Major Assessments- Ecology Test, Ecology Project (watersheds and wetlands)
Grading Students will be graded through labs, projects, tests, quizzes, participation, and classwork. Tests and projects will count as 50% of their grade. You will see the main category as test, so read the assignment description for clarification if it is a test or project. Quizzes count as 25% of their grade. Homework is 5% Classwork is 15% Labs are 5% Class notes can be found on my website
Late Work For assignments handed in late, it is 10% off for each day. After 3 days it is a 0.