Merry Christmas Bells By Teresa Jennings © 2008 Plank Road Publishing Music K-8, Vol. 19 #2 PowerPoint by Ralph Shoemaker III
Oh, the bells are ringing out today In a joyous Christmas kind of way.
They’re ringing, ringing! Ding dong ding dong! Merry Christmas Bells!
Oh, the sound they make is sweet today, and I hope that you can hear them play.
They’re ringing, ringing! Ding dong ding dong! Merry Christmas Bells!
They ring. They sing. They jingle. They ding dong ding.
They ring. They sing. They jingle, jingle,
Ding(ng) Dong(ng) Ding(ng) Dong(ng)!
Oh, the bells are ringing out today In a joyous Christmas kind of way.
They’re ringing, ringing! Ding dong ding dong! Merry Christmas Bells!
Oh, the sound they make is sweet today, and I hope that you can hear them play.
They’re ringing, ringing! Ding dong ding dong! Merry Christmas Bells!
Oh, they’re ringing, ringing! Ding dong ding dong! Merry Christmas Bells!
Ding Dong!