12/17/2015Template copyright Warm-up Write a short definition for each of the words below: SpringGroom Present Bass Produce Lead
Homographs Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. You have to use context clues to figure out which meaning is being used.
12/17/2015Template copyright Let’s look at some of the words from the Warm-up 1.We drank from the cool, clear spring. 2.I broke the spring in my click pen. 3.Spring is the prettiest time of year. The season after summer A coil A water source
12/17/2015Template copyright Sometimes when you’re asked for a definition in a multiple choice question, more than one of the choices is a correct definition......you have to use the context to figure out which one is correct!
12/17/2015Template copyright I’ll show you... What is the definition of “contract” in the following sentence? When placed in the freezer, the molecules in the compound contract. A. A formal agreement B. To get an illness C. To arrange for services to be performed D. To tighten or draw together
12/17/2015Template copyright Let’s Try Let’s Try Write each of these words on your handout in the column that best fits how well you know the word. CountryUncannyCrushedDismantling ConductFashionedSpruceUltimately SuspendedDenseIllusionAdroitness
12/17/2015Template copyright Cool-down Cool-down Here are the definitions for the words. How did you do? Compare with a partner. Country Living outside the city Uncanny Odd, strange Crushed Severely disappointed Dismantling Taking apart Conduct Carry out or perform Fashioned Made, designed Spruce Clean or neat Ultimately In the end Suspended Hanging Dense Thick, heavy Illusion misconception Adroitness Skillfulness