Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum WCS 1.0.0, B. Buckl 1 CEOS WGISS Data Services Task Team OGC WCS OGC WCS Status Chiang Mai, Bernhard Buckl, DLR
Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum WCS 1.0.0, B. Buckl 2 WCS Subject to TC vote during the OGC meeting in October 2003 Version with slight corrections expected very soon Version aimes at simplicity Grid coverages only no multipoint, segmented curve etc. Request encodings Key = Value Pair or XML Transport HTTP GET or POST, prepared for SOAP (SOAP envelope needs to be wrapped around XML encoding only) Three request types - GetCapabilities - DescribeCoverage - GetCoverage
Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum WCS 1.0.0, B. Buckl 3 Request Types GetCapabilities 3 sections: Service, Capability, ContentMetadata Service - Mininum human readable service description Capability -Describes available request types, exception format and vendor specific capabilities ContentMetadata - Brief coverage descriptions (name, label, keywords, overal geotemporal extent) - link to external catalogue
Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum WCS 1.0.0, B. Buckl 4 Request Types DescribeCoverage Requests detailed descriptions of all or a subset of available coverages Brief description + - Domain Set describes the geotemporal domain in more detail also allows for coverages defined in the temporal domain only - Range Set describes the value ranges of the coverage observables may be simple (e.g. monthly sea surface temperature average) or compound (e.g. multiple spectral bands) defines constraints for a coverage request - Supported Coordinate Reference Systems EPSG,OGC codes and other CRS (link to external definition)
Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum WCS 1.0.0, B. Buckl 5 Request Types DescibeCoverage (cont.) ... - Supported Formats arbitrary but one of HDF-EOS, GeoTIFF, DTED, NITF and GML is mandatory (examples to be provided) - Supported Interpolations nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic etc. if a coverage request requires resampling GetCoverage Requests a single coverage using the above properties as request criteria