Imagine No Malaria Progress By Date 2006 – Malaria kills a child every 30 seconds (UMC becomes founding partner in Nothing But Nets) 2008 – Malaria kills a child every 30 seconds (CTC begins with a Nothing But Nets campaign) 2010 – Malaria kills a child every 30 seconds (INM officially launces as a healing ministry) (CTC officially sets a goal of $1,000,000 by 2015)
Imagine No Malaria Progress By Date 2011 – Malaria’s toll declines kills a child every 45 seconds (Funds donated to INM train thousands of community health workers and deliver 400,000 mosquito nets) 2012 – Malaria’s mortality is further reduced and now kills a child every 60 seconds (INM funds are awarded to in-country malaria programs in Africa.)
Imagine No Malaria To say that another way……malaria deaths are down from just over 1,000,000 in 2006 to an estimated just over 600,000 deaths in 2012 …… We have saved 400,000 lives!!!!! While this is still tragic, it is evidence of how, every day, your support for Imagine No Malaria advocacy and fund raising efforts help bring us closer to a world without malaria…. HOW CAN YOU HELP?
Imagine No Malaria YOU ALREADY HAVE!!!! TO DATE…..We have helped… …..distribute 846,000 mosquito nets …..trained more than 5,000 community health workers …..established 12 health boards to oversee the malaria health ministry. …..Raised more than $20,000,000 for INM campaign CTC has given……..$ 442,399.89