TRUST A group or collection of firms who agree to coordinate efforts for the purpose of restricting output and raising prices/profits Also known as cartels ANTITRUST LAWS Laws intended to promote free competition Sherman Antitrust Act & Clayton Act
TYPES OF ILLEGAL TRUSTS Bid Rigging Predatory Pricing Price Fixing Vendor Lock-in Geographic Allocation Walker Process Fraud Tying
ANTITRUST LAW & TECHNOLOGY Dominant companies (i.e. Microsoft) may not use their intellectual property or copyrights to harm competition United States v. Microsoft United States v. Samsung
ECONOMISTS OPINIONS Milton Friedman Changed views over time Antitrust laws do far more harm than good Alan Greenspan Antitrust laws prevent firms from actions that may benefit society due to fear of antitrust violations Products, processes, and cost-savings mergers killed by the Sherman Antitrust Act Meaning, competition is not an end in itself
STATUTES OF VIOLATION Law requires evidence of conspiracy (i.e. explicit agreement) Focus of law pertains to the behavior of the firm Charging monopoly level prices is not necessarily illegal
LEGAL TRUSTS Labor Unions Public Utilities Major League Baseball Hospitals Military Equipment Suppliers OPEC (international)