SACS Reaffirmation: The Visit ASERL Spring Membership Meeting, April 2009 John E. Ulmschneider Virginia Commonwealth University
Step One: Off-Site Review Institutional Compliance Certification document Off-Site Peer Review Committee Some or no reservations about Core Requirements, Comprehensive Standards, or Federal Requirements
Step Two: On-Site Review Investigation of any reservations about compliance from Off- Site Peer Review Committee (includes Focused Report response by institution) Consult on and evaluate acceptability of Core Requirement 2.12 – the QEP Report of the Reaffirmation Committee AND Institutional response to remaining areas found non- compliance
Compliance elements involving libraries Specific library elements are Core Requirement 2.9 and Comprehensive Standards 3.8.1, 3.8.2, and Library may contribute in other areas: ; 3.3.1; Core Requirement 2.9 is foundational, broad, and focuses on institutional commitment. Comprehensive Standard 3.8 is more specific to the operation of the library system at the institution.
Library considerations for showing compliance Remember: there are no quantitative or qualitative standards. The institution makes the case with the data and argument it considers appropriate. Comprehensive profile of library system is essential to showing compliance: fullest possible description showing all library assets that support and advance the institution, including collaborative arrangements, expenditures, etc. Benchmarking data might be useful for 2.9 – but it is only one element and may have a minor presence in the overall statement for 2.9. LibQUAL+ and (underscore “and”) other assessment metrics and processes are indispensable for in 3.8. This includes mechanisms to get regular input from constituencies.
Library considerations for QEP Beware: libraries are often overlooked in the QEP development process. The consequence: libraries may end up with little visibility in the QEP. Seek involvement. Be alert to opportunities for participation. Institutional commitment and resource allocation to QEP can be large. Where can the library system contribute to the QEP? Where can the library system strengthen the QEP? Remember, there may not be a librarian on the On-Site Peer Review Committee to raise questions about the library system in the QEP. Or the librarian may perceive such questions as crossing the line into advocacy – a major league no-no.