Kyushu University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan Shuji Shimizu, MD, PhD Medical WG in APAN Kyushu University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan Shuji Shimizu, MD, PhD This presentation is to show the current situation of endoscopic surgery in Japan. Email: 2005.8.25@Taipei
Menu for today Current activity Chairpersons Purpose & Plans Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka
High-quality: Big broadband vs Narrow band Poor quality Correct diagnosis Better education Misdiagnosis Inadequate education Image quality is the key in telemedicine!!!
Korea-Japan Medical Network Kyushu-Univ. Korea Digital Video Transfer System Korea-Japan Gigabit Network DVTS DVTS Digital Video Transfer System No compression of moving images Little time delay
[1] Live demosntration of Surgery 2003.11. 5 2004.7.30 Kyushu U NCC
[2] Neurosurgery: Live surgery 2003.11.25 2005.5.25 Hanyang U Kyushu U
[3] Endoscopic live demonstration 2004.11.15 To NCC
Member hospitals in Korea Hanyang University Hospital KIX 1G Singapore SEOUL Seoul-XP 6M Europe National Cancer Center 10M GSR USA 155M Seoul National Univ (Bundang Hospital) 155M TAEGU Ehwa Womans Univ GSR SUWON GSR Seoul National Univ (Main Hospital) GSR DEAJON Samsung Medical Center GSR 2G Japan Chungnam National University BUSAN GSR Gyeongsang Univ KWANJU Connected Expected Pusan University 1GMbps Subscriber
Snaps from China 2004.10.12
Pancreas Transplantation Teleconference on 18th March 2005 Fukuoka Seoul Beijing Taipei
<Our Asian-Pacific Broadband Project> 2004.7 2003.2 Sapporo Done Beijing 2004.10 Seoul Iwate 2005.7 Planned Tokyo Shanghai 2004.1 Fukuoka Taipei Hawaii Hong-Kong 2004.12 2004.1 Dehli Mumbai Bangkok 2005.1 Manila Kuala Lumpur 我々のプロジェクトに対しては、既に韓国以外のアジア諸国からの関心も高く、ハワイを始め、北京、バンコク、台北、オーストラリアのケアンズなどとも接続済みです。 また上海・シンガポールを始めいろいろなアジア地域とも具体的な話が進行中ですが、今後は国が進めるアジアブロードバンド計画とも呼応する形で、この計画を進める必要があると考えております。 Cairns Singapore Adelaide 2004.7 Christchurch <Our Asian-Pacific Broadband Project>
Backgrounds 1. Medicine is one of the most important issues for people. 2. Medicine needs updated system in cooperation with CIT. Goals 1. To combine medical team and engineering team. 2. To expand our system in Asia-Pacific regions. 3. To improve the system with developing technology. 4. To obtain medical standarlization and to provide patients with better healthcare. In conclusion, …..
Chairpersons Shuji Shimizu, MD, PhD Kyushu University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan Ho-Seong Han, MD PhD Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Seoul, Korea
Organizing medical network in AP Deciding key hospitals (Tentative plan) Japan Kyushu Univ Korea Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hospital Singapore National Univ Hospital Australia Flinders Medical Center@Adelaide China Beijing, Shanghai Thailand Mahidol, Chulalongkorn Taiwan Taiwan National Univ, VGH Hong Kong Chinese Hospital of Hong Kong India New Delhi, Mumbai Malaysia, Philippine, Indonesia, New Zealnd……
Major Event Plans ahead Sep-Oct, 2005: Tests to Singapore, Adelaide, and Taichung Nov, 2005: Two test events of live surgery among JP-KR-SG-AU-Taichung-Shanghai, etc. Jan 2006: Multi-station event @APAN-Tokyo April 2006: Live urological surgery from Seoul to Fukuoka July 2006: APAN-Singapore connecting to India, Malaysia, Philippine, Indonesia, etc. Oct 2006: Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia @ Seoul Mar 2007: Asia-Pacific Hepato-Biliary-Pancreas @Fukuoka Aug 2007: ELSA @ Hyderabad in India
Future style of medical network Doctors join the broadband network at anytime from anywhere.
For Establishment of Telemedical Network in AP Medical staffs Engineering team 5 Fundamental element for Tele-surgery We hereby indicate technologies which we consider necessary to meet doctor’s requests, while, this capacity of network is what governs the system efficiency. ここにお示しするのは、そのご要望にお応えするのに必要と考えている技術ですが、現状のシステムの性能を支配しているのはこの通信回線の性能です。 Government and Companies Cooperate in harmony!