BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Oil Terminal Simulation System Simulation System for the evaluation of general characteristics for port operations Business Informatics Department Kaunas University of Technology Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Goals of the solution Create a simulation system which permits: –to simulate logistics processes transportation of oil though Klaipeda oil terminal, –to define a new requirements for reengineering of Klaipeda oil information system. Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ The structure of model Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Expected results Simulation system permits to estimate the following characteristics: –Order execution duration from time instant when the order has been done till tanker leaves the terminal; –Time of storage of oil products in terminal reservoirs; –Stay durations of wagons and tankers in terminal for different kinds of oil; –Number of wagons in terminal railway station for each kind of oil product. Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Approach Formalization of terminal operations has been done using aggregate approach. Aggregate approach is widely used for formal description, simulation and validation of complex systems. The general idea of the method is system is decomposed to separate piece- linear aggregates (PLA) and each PLA of the system is described using the method of controlling sequences. The advantage of this approach is its ability to mathematically strictly describe analysed system. Model formal specification has been implemented using ARENA simulation tool. Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Visualization of simulation process in ARENA Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Groups of parameters of model Parameters of terminal input streams; Parameters characterizing the structure of terminal; Technological parameters of terminal; Parameters characterizing control of terminal. Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Simulated characteristics (1) Characteristics characterizing terminal processes: –Number of wagons in terminal railway stations. –Number of wagons in terminal railway station for each kind of oil product. –Occupation coefficient of each platform. –Average level of oil in reservoirs. –Occupation coefficient of each embankments. Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Simulated characteristics (2) Characteristics about performance of order for oil transportation: –Wagons stay time in terminal, for different kinds of oil. –Tankers stay time in terminal, for different kinds of oil. –The performance time of order from time instant when the order has been done till tanker leaves the terminal, for different kinds of oil products. –The performance time of order from time instance when begins the transportation oil to terminal till tanker leaves the terminal, for different kinds of oil products. –Average time of storing of oil products in terminal reservoirs for different kinds of oil. Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Simulation results (1) Average level of oil in reservoirs Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Simulation results (2) Average transportation time of oil Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Simulation results (3) Distribution function service time of orders Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Simulation results (4) Distribution function of wagons stay time in terminal Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Implementation Developed simulation system has been used for simulation logistics processes in Klaipeda Oil Terminal. Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Benefit Permits to motivate reengineering of information system of oil terminal, that is the use of simulation models of loading process in terminal and transportation of oil products through railway in operative control system. Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Publications Pranevicius H., Makackas D. Simulation of stevedoting work in the Klaipeda oil terminal. Transport. Vol XVII, No 5, 2002: ISSN pp Pranevicius H., Makackas D. Klaipeda Harbour Oil Terminal Model. The International Workshop on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, Portofino – Italy, October 5-7, 2000, ISBN pp Pranevicius H., Pilkauskas V., Makackas D. Models of interaction of Various kinds of transport means at Klaipeda Harbour. Competence for simulation application CONSA. Linkoping, Sweden, Pranevicius H., Pilkauskas V., Makackas D. Interaction of various kinds of transportation at Klaipeda Harbour. In Proceedings: The International Workshop “Harbour, Maritime & Industrial Logistics Modelling and Simulation”, Genoa, September 16–18, Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Conclusions Developed simulation model permits evaluate the main characteristics of terminal: average level of oil in terminal, occupation coefficients of platforms (embankments), average lengths of wagon in railway station… Developed simulation model permits to evaluate characteristics logistics tasks which are performed in Klaipeda oil terminal. Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre
BALTPORTS-IT - IST ____________________________________________________ Contact addresses Contact person: Prof. H. Pranevicius WWW page: Postal address:Business Informatics Department Kaunas University of Technology Studentu 50 LT-3031, Kaunas Lithuania Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre