Salisbury!! By Holly Scott
Facts about Salisbury! Salisbury Cathedral is 606 ft high. Salisbury is a Medieval City Its population is 45,000 Its used to be called Old Sarum Its twinned with Xanten in Germany and Saintes in France It has five rivers running through it they are called the Nadder,Eble, Wyle, Bourne and the Avon It has 1 bus station and 1 train station.
Facts about Salisbury continued…. Salisbury has the largest 尖顶 in Britain Salisbury has one 康乐中心 and 1 cinema It has a theatre called Salisbury Playhouse Its quite a small city Its in the county of Wiltshire It has great shops.
Where is Salisbury…. Salisbury Railway Here is our school Here is Salisbury
Attractions in Salisbury!!