Short Overview on Cases in Europe Images from 200 projects visited Jörg Thiemann-Linden Sustainable Urban Mobility Consultant büro thiemann-linden, Cologne DE for SRL e.V., the Urban Planners’ Professional Association WALK21 VIENNA, 20 th October 2015 Session “Interventions for an Inclusive City”
What has been achieved for urban development? n Accessibility and freedom of walking n Less traffic noise n Mutual respect while moving n Regeneration of the local economy n Place-making for creative society n Inviting for more physical activity n Beauty of the town‘s images 2 Göppingen DE, Baar CH, Zürich CH (… not just only the famous cases like Centralplatz, Exhibition Road, Sonnenfelsplatz, Opernplatz, Mariahilfer Straße)
Origins of what we call „Shared Space“ since Chambery FR since the 1980-ies Villages in Fryslan Province, NL since the 1990-ies knowledge center at NHL University
Now in the (technical) guidelines AT, UK, DE 4 4
„Shared Zones“ in traffic legislation CH, BE, FR, AT Zone de Rencontre, Begegnungzone 5 CH Giubiasco FR Wissembourg BE Namur AT Bregenz
Also in countries without „shared zone“ in traffic law Berlin DE Sneek NL 6
Traffic calming in residential areas CH: Genève, Schlieren, Basel, Zürich, 7
Village main road Bremgarten/Bern CH Stonehouse UK 8
Very busy through traffic in the main road 9 Poynton UK Velden am See AT
10 Cohabitation also in outskirts and outside settled area Fryslan/Groningen Provinces NL
Reshape for respect to heritage in the old town Willisau CH - Göteborg SE - Palmanova IT - Krakow PL 11
Large parts of town center „shared zone“ now Ried/Innkreis AT Eupen BE 12
Link between two parts of the pedestrian area Nantes FR Fribourg CH 13
More awareness for pedestrians to cross safely ! 14 Thun CH Köniz CH
Urban regeneration districts Gloucester UK Norrköping SE 15
School yard, university campus Bern CH Aachen DE 16
Town center bus station Coburg DE Solingen DE 17
Quick access to the railway station Hamburg-Bergedorf DE Villach AT 18
Look at the dense, vivid neighbourhoods in Paris! 19
20 Thank you for listening. Any more remarkable shared space examples in your city? More case selections at: Jörg Thiemann-Linden Sustainable Urban Mobility Advise (Dipl.-Geogr., SRL) büro thiemann-linden Schirmerstrasse 42-44, Köln/Cologne, DE , – All photos by presenter