Visionary Technology in Library Solutions The VITAL Packages The VITAL Package Fedora ™ open source software (free) VTLS software and hardware extensions, with features and workflows VTLS installation, training, support, integration and documentation
Visionary Technology in Library Solutions The VITAL Packages The Fedora™ Package Fedora™ open source software (free) VTLS installation, training, and support
Visionary Technology in Library Solutions The VITAL Packages VITAL Hosted Solution VTLS provides ASP services for digital collections VTLS Professional Digital Imaging Services Imaging services and project consulting can be combined with any of the above packages to provide a total solution.
Visionary Technology in Library Solutions VITAL – Just the Beginning Fedora ™ 2.0 planned enhancements Digital Rights Management Authentication (Shibboleth) VITAL Directions Advanced collection management features, indexing, searching and statistical reporting VTLS Knowledge Portal for Fedora ™ resources and collaboration Additional features for multimedia collections Integration of VTLS V-Commerce Solutions More to be announced soon ….
Visionary Technology in Library Solutions VITAL – Lessons Learned (so far..) As a commercial vendor adopting “ Open Source ” A new product can be developed MUCH quicker. Pricing proprietary add-on ’ s is a new world. Requires a complete revision of contracts used. Working with open source partners requires: Excellent and frequent communications. Being prepared for the “ why didn ’ t we do that ” conversation. Leaving “ assumptions ” behind – state everything. As a buyer remember: Traditional procurement processes DON ’ T apply! Vendors make their money on the support, if you don ’ t buy that, we wonder why we ’ ve done this …
Visionary Technology in Library Solutions It’s VITAL to manage the resources of today’s digital libraries