Sustainable public transport – electric transport development project for the capital
Specific Aid Objective „Developing Sustainable Public Transport Infrastructure” Measure „Developing Sustainable Public Transport Infrastructure (Rail Transport)” Objective : promote the use of sustainable public transport and increasing the number of sustainable public transport passengers. Major project of the Cohesion Fund: Riga tram infrastructure improvement. (Provision of electric transport movement on Skanstes Street - construction of a new tram line, reconstruction of the existing one and acquisition of new low- floor trams) With the development of Skanstes Neighbourhood and Skanstes Street as a business centre with a fast-growing number of jobs, the population and the working people will be provided with a direct connection to the city important transportation hubs - Riga Port, Riga International Coach Terminal, Riga Railway Station, and will be developed a circular route around the protection zone of the Riga historical centre and a tram route network bypassing the city centre. Riga Tram Infrastructure Improvement
Objective: provision of sustainable transport in the growing capital development area - Skanstes Street in Riga Benefits: reduced air pollution in the capital reduced private car flow, while offering the most convenient alternative - tram preventive transport planning as a prerequisite for the development of the capital a prerequisite for national investments Specific Aid Objective „Developing Sustainable Public Transport Infrastructure” Measure „Developing Sustainable Public Transport Infrastructure (Rail Transport)” Riga Tram Infrastructure Improvement
Tasks: provision of the most modern and convenient form of public transport on Skanstes Street reconstruction of the existing tram line construction of a new tram line - to have the existing route network expanded and connected while unclogging the city centre (Jugla - Mežaparks; Riga Port, Riga International Coach Terminal, Riga Railway Station) rolling stock (low-floor trams) purchase, thus making public transport more accessible to passengers with disabilities. Riga Tram Infrastructure Improvement
CF financing – 76 mln euro Co-financing – 14 mln euro o A – B newly constructed tram line of 3.65 km; o B – C reconstructed tram line – 3 km; o purchased 12 low-floor trams. Project Management o Establishment of the Project Management Group is currently in the process. o By order of Riga City Council Transport Department is determined the Project Coordinator. Riga Tram Infrastructure Improvement o By order of the Rīgas satiksmes Board Chairman is established the Project Working Group.
In cooperation with JASPERS experts are working on the development of documents necessary for the Project application : Accomplishments: o developed a financial analysis model, o developed three options of the tram line placing on the layout, determined principal transverse profiles of the street, the selected options agreed with JASPERS experts, o determined the tram line placement option to be further subjected to deeper analysis with micro simulation, o identified real estates located near the existing tram line segment and their owners, o completed the traffic intensity counting; created the current and future (up to 2052) traffic flow simulation for Skanstes Neighbourhood, o completed the traffic flow simulation in accordance with the planned tram construction options, o for all three tram line placing options are determined preliminary volumes of rebuilding of utility facilities and developed plan of combined utility lines, o conducted in situ measurements of noise generated by old-type trams and low- floor trams, Project Status
Accomplishments: o in cooperation with the City Development Department of Riga City Council, conducted EMME programme macro simulation with setting road transport changes in Skanstes Neighbourhood based on Skanstes Neighbourhood local plan (author - SIA „Grupa 93”) 1st version data, o created the current and future (up to 2052) traffic flow micro simulation for the main option, o completed VISSIM programme micro simulation of traffic flow for the main option, performed data analysis according to the instructions of JASPERS experts. Project Status
In cooperation with JASPERS experts are working on the development of documents necessary for the Project application: In progress: o performance of economic analysis, estimates of time savings and vehicle costs, estimates of alternative scenarios, o in accordance with JASPERS instructions ( ), commenced the traffic flow simulation (private transport + public transport) for the city of Riga, o the final stage of the necessary information extraction for creating a noise and pollution simulation for Skanstes Neighbourhood, o will continue a cost - benefit analysis; indicative date: February 2016, o are working on a feasibility study (FS) development; indicative date: February 2016, o started preparation of the Project application. Project Status
-The European Commission approved the Riga traffic application and forwarded the Project for inclusion in the Integrity Pact pilot project "Integrity Pacts - Civil Control Mechanism for Safeguarding EU Funds". -A Memorandum of Cooperation signed with the Association "Society for transparency – Delna". -According to the Memorandum, the parties set the objective to work closely together and achieve the highest standards of integrity and transparency with regard to the implementation of the Project, and for that purpose it is intended to use the concept of the Integrity Pact developed by Transparency International for all the applicants, bidders and contractors participating in the procurement procedure within the Project. Project Status
Indicative Timetable for the Implementation of the Project** ** Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, p. 101 ** Will be specified. In accordance with JASPERS instructions ( ), commenced the traffic flow simulation (private transport + public transport) for the city of Riga.
Identified risks, an action plan to address them Disposal of private property cooperation between national and local government institutions necessary financing for the disposal of real estate Non-approval of the Skanstes Neighbourhood detailed planning cooperation with the Riga City Council The number of passengers carried exceeds the planned forecasts cooperation with state and municipal institutions for attracting investments The probability of occurrence of the risk as medium high The probability of the occurrence of risk is low
P ROJECT TIME FRAME : planned vs actual