PHARE Twinning SK03/IB/EN/01: „Institutional and Capacity Building in the Environmental Sector in Slovakia“ „Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)“


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Presentation transcript:

PHARE Twinning SK03/IB/EN/01: „Institutional and Capacity Building in the Environmental Sector in Slovakia“ „Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)“ by Veronika Košková Final Conference 13th June 2006

Project Title Twinning Project Ref. Nr. SK03/IB/EN/01 Institutional and Capacity Building in the Environmental Sector National PHARE Programme 2003 – EU funded project

Activity C Establishing a shared environmental IS Reasons: Increasing of responsibilities of control institutions, policy makers and decision makers in environmental sector To develope information system that will support decision making in the environmental sector – effective tool for sharing of environmental data and support daily work of decision makers To support enforcement capacity in the environmental sector The main reason – fact that such system doesn’t exist

Activity C Establishing a shared environmental IS Objectives: to improve data flows between institutions by means of an inter-institutional shared environmental information system (SEIS) – decision makers will have access to reliable environmental information To share different types of data: text, numeral, geographical To cover information needs of the users in four main sectors: water air waste nature Procurement of necessary IT equipment, trainings

Activity C Establishing a shared environmental IS Administrator, users, data providers:

Activity C Establishing a shared environmental IS Sectoral meetings – specification of data needs of the main user - SEI for each sector:

Activity C Establishing a shared environmental IS Basic requirements for SEIS development: Development of the SEIS was planned at SEA in the framework of concept of the IS building in MoE resort. IS was created in the way that basic technical (hardware, software, network) and personnel capacities were shared. In the process of creation of the system, already existing databases built by individual data providers as well as existing applications were used. The possibility of mutual interconnection was ensured and the use of functionalities of existing IS built in the MoE and especially IS built at SEA, SHMI, SNC and SEI. IS was built through technologies and procedures that are used in the process of IS creation at SEA and are in compliance with hardware and software architecture of SEA.

Activity C Establishing a shared environmental IS GIS Modul: A significant part of SEIS is the GIS section, i.e. access for users to geographical data. SEIS users have access to geographical data via Client Central Geographical System (CGS), built in co-operation of several institutions within the Ministry of Environment. Prístup k priestorovým dátam cez Centrálny geografický sklad (CGS) Optimal use of accessible spatial data SEIS clients enter (within SEIS) into CGS via 3 client applications: 1. in www environment via internet browser (recommended IE 5.5+ requires support of Java scripts) 2. via free Java client Arc Explorer (20 MB) 3. Desktop ArcGIS applications. 4 desktop ArcGIS applications were procured for SEI employees via public procurement for this purpose.

Activity C Establishing a shared environmental IS Trainings: A series of two user trainings has been realised regarding SEIS:

Activity C Establishing a shared environmental IS SEIS operation: SEIS will be operated on SEA servers Administartion of technical part – administartor SEA Administartion of the content – SEI administartors : 4 persons for each sector: air, water, waste and nature – trained as administrators Technical documentation for SEIS application containing user and administrator manual for using SEIS available Technical documentation

Activity C Establishing a shared environmental IS Results of activity C: access to reliable environmental information institutions connected to SEIS; appropriate training for staff IT equipment procured

Contacts Veronika KOSKOVA Project Manager Slovak Environmental Agency Centre of Environmental Policy and Informatics Tajovskeho 28 Banska Bystrica, Slovakia Tel: