Lesson #3 PA Economic History
Activating Strategy On the back of your EQ page, create a list of 3-5 industries that have played a major role in the economic development of Pennsylvania.
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Essential Question- How does geography, climate, and natural resources affect the way that people live and work in Pennsylvania?
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Vocabulary 1) Economy- the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. 2) Industries- economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories. 3) Commercial Society-a society which pursues economic and industrial development
Land Size Metropolitan Areas Atlantic Coastal Plain Allegheny Front Drainage ClimateEconomy
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Lesson #3 PA Economic History Land 350 miles from east to west, 150 miles from north to south Philadelphia- part of East Coast population belt. It is a major harbor on Delaware River and one of the world’s biggest shipping centers. Pittsburgh- lies on the eastern edge of the great industrial region. Atlantic Coastal Plain- played a major role in PA history as the site of William Penn’s settlement and initial city of Philadelphia. Allegheny Front- the most formidable obstacle to east west transportation.
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Drainage 3 Major River Systems in PA Eastern part of state– Delaware River Central part of state- Susquehanna River Western part of state- Ohio River Minor River Systems Minor systems flow into Lake Erie in the Northwest and the Potomac River from the southeast
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Climate in Pennsylvania A humid continental climate with wide fluctuations in seasonal temperatures. Average temperature in July is about 70 degrees Average temperature in January is about 28 degrees Growing Season 200 days in the southeast part of the state 90 days in the north-central part of the state Average precipitation is about 40 inches
Lesson #3 PA Economic History PA Economy- 3 Distinct Eras : Rural agricultural economy dominated : Production of iron and steel, machinery, fabricated metals, leather, textiles, and apparel Preset: Service activities have come to dominate the employment of people in PA. Only a tiny fraction is employed in the primary sector (agriculture, mining, and lumbering) One-Fifth is employed in manufacturing and construction with the remaining in the service sector
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Key Points about Pennsylvania Agriculture For this part of the lesson, you will be required to listen, follow along and complete your guided notes as I review important information about Pennsylvania agriculture.
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Key Points about Pennsylvania Agriculture 1) A mild climate, plentiful rainfall, and rich soils southeastern PA was called a “farmers heaven”. 2) Agriculture is the state’s number one industry. 3) The first farmers were Native Americans who grew corn, beans, and squash. 4) German farmers brought innovations to farming like crop rotation. 5) By1850, farm machinery like mowers, reapers and steam tractors were used in farming communities 6) In 1862, the Agriculture College of Pennsylvania (Now Penn State University) was founded.
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Key Points about Pennsylvania Agriculture 7) In 1914, changing trends in eating habits caused a change in the nature of Pennsylvania farms where most farms had only cows. 8) New developments in farming were put in display at the first Farm Show in Harrisburg PA in ) When refrigerated trucks were developed, urban, or city people’s demand for tomatoes, leafy vegetables, onions and other fresh produce gave birth to “truck farms”. 10) The Great Depression caused farmers to search for other ways to survive. More of them quit farming.
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Key Points about Pennsylvania Agriculture 11) According to the 2000 census, 2 million Pennsylvanians were employed in farming. 12) The best farming areas are in Berks, Lancaster, and York counties. 13) Today, dairying is the number one agricultural industry. 14) PA is America’s fourth largest producer of food products. 15) Pittsburgh is the home of Heinz products. 16) Hershey is the home of Hershey Foods.
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Key Points about Pennsylvania Agriculture 17) Agribusiness, which includes food processing, forestry and the sale of farm products was PA’s largest industry. 18) Agriculture generated about $4.5 billion a year in revenue. 19) Dairying, the state’s leading agricultural industry, was fourth in the nation in the production of milk and ice cream
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Summarizer 3- List three things you learned about agriculture in PA 2- list 2 things that are important to the success of farming 1- What was the original purpose of the Pennsylvania Farm Show?
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Do Now
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Pennsylvania Iron Industry Timeline William Penn wrote about the potential for iron production and he encouraged others to establish ironworks in his colony The iron industry began in PA in 1716 in Berks when ironmasters erected a bloomery forge that produced crude iron Colony ironmasters had already erected almost 50 furnaces and forges. For more than a century (100 years), PA was the ironmaking center of America PA led all colonies and nation in iron production. 54,000 tons were produced in 1810.
Lesson #3 PA Economic History ,000 tons produced in 1840 while PA consistently produced half of the national total The iron industry experienced technological changes, including a shift in fuel from charcoal to anthracite. In 1870, PA manufactured $123 million worth of iron. After Iron production continued to evolve after 1880 with the rise of the steel industry. Steel mills manufactured iron in iron furnaces and then converted iron into steel The PA Steel Company began the first commercially successful production of steel in the nation in 1867 at Steelton.
Lesson #3 PA Economic History Iron Questions 1) What types of iron products did Americans rely on? Answer: Tools for blacksmiths, and wheel rims for carriages, to steam locomotives, and iron rails. 2) Why was PA the leading iron manufacturer? Answer: The commonwealth was blessed with iron ore deposits, vast forest that provided charcoal, abundant coal beds that also supplied fuel, the limestone used as flax and stream for water power.
Lesson #3 PA Economic History