Yes You Are
Now It Is Time to Become More Creative
Nascemos Arco-Iris Mas nos tornamos linhas cinzas de tinta
Encontre o trevo de quatro folhas
Change the way your teach, the stars in your classroom will Change!
Change the way you lead the stars on your team… the stars in your workplace will…
Change the way you lead the stars on your team… the stars in your workplace will… become more…
1. Communication skills. 2. Pro-activeness. 3. Problem-solving. 4. Curiosity. 5. Risk-taking.
“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” Albert Einstein
“Judge a (person) by (their) questions rather than by (their) answers.” Voltaire
failure is a badge of accomplishment because it means that you took a risk, that you tried something new.
Who What When Where Why How Train/Teach ?!
Mentally Physically Emotionally Socially Systematically We can train/teach people to be more
As Managers, Leaders or Parents we can… Train/Teach people/children to be more by eliminating BLOCKS
Mental Physical Emotional Social Systematic We can remove BLOCKS to Creativity….
As Managers, Leaders or Parents we can help improve Through improving the ENVIRONMENTS
As Managers, Leaders or Parents we can Train/Teach people/children to be more by focusing on TRAITS
Fluency – double paperclip
Fluency – double plastic bottles
Fluency Flexibility
Fluency Flexibility Elaboration
Fluency Flexibility Elaboration Originality
Fluency Flexibility Elaboration Originality
Abstract Adaptable Breakthrough Change Context Combine Ideas/Facts
Curious Divergent Draw Energy Fantasize
Perceive Perspective Provocative Question asker Colorful
As Managers, Leaders or Parents we can Train/Teach people/children to be more by focusing on TOOLS
Yes we can Train/Teach !
Thank You
Yes You Are Now It Is Time to Become More Creative