TÍTULO Clique aqui para adicionar um subtítulo Administration Important for sales area to know
Forecast Why is it important ?? 1. Define with plant availability of the equipment needed. 2. Build the necessary credit lines. 3. Current lead time is 120 to 150 days. 4. Allocation of space on board ships. Notes and pitfalls !!! Every salesperson must know, at least for the coming three-month window, what they will be selling. Customers in this period must have name and address. Forecast not met increases physical and book inventory, this means capital standing still, it reduces the turnover of cash and increases financial cost for the inventory. Forecast exceeded means a risk of loss of future sales due to lack of machines in stock.
Machine orders. Each machine has its own code and configuration
Machine orders. Each machine has its own code and configuration
Machine orders. Each machine has its own code and configuration :
Machine orders. Each machine has its own code and configuration :
Machine Orders. Each machine has its own code and configuration:
Machine orders. Prepare order with list of prices
Machine orders. Prepare order with list of prices
How to get information about your orders Order submitted to plant together with document called “order Backlog”. Plant fills in the folowing data: Plant order number – means order allocated to production Original promised date – 1st delivery date. Current promised date – Up-date of production dates for previous orders B/L no. and vessel – This is the bill of lading number and the name of the ship on which the machines will be shipped. ETD/ETA – Estimated dates of departure and arrival at the local port All this information is sent to your imports and/or administrative dept..
About Parts The current model defines that distributor and importer deal directly with the p-lant There are 3 modalities of importation Considering parts going from stock in China to final destination stock: Maritime – Lead time is 120 days. Regular air freight – Estimated at 30 to 45 days. Emergency air freight – Should be a maximum of 20 days, but at this point in time actual lead time is the same as for regular air freight given the excessive number of emergency orders Deviations have happened On the down side, due to a number of bureaucratic problems, lack of information/documents such as NCM, certificates required by authorities, etc. On the up side, due to the efficiency of the importation status Express freight “courier” which has the possibility of clearing directly from customs without bureaucratic clearance if the customs officer so decides.