October 21-22, 2008 Druskininkai, Lithuania
Workshop on Migration Druskininkai, October 21-22; No. of participants – 28; No. of represented countries – 11; International structures - ITUC/PERC, LO-TCO Biståndsnämnds, Norden IN; Discussed: Presentation of the situation in different countries; Policy of international trade union organizations; IUF programmes for migrant workers; Presentation of Fellesforbundet migrant workers’ organizing activities.
Workshop on Migration - participants
What kind of support should be provided by global organisations? Co-operational: To sign agreements among the national TU centres and branch organizations on exchange of information and support for migrant workers; Bilateral contacts among unions (using IT, info points, info material); Co-operation among unions of sending/receiving countries. Informational: Data base on migrant workers; Education of unionists to work with migrant workers (organizing, legal knowledge, etc.); To develop websites for labour migrants.
What kind of support should be provided by global organisations? (2) Legal: To deal with the issue on the national/transnational level, i.e. signing agreements and adopting laws; TU influence to the immigration policy of a country; Global framework agreements/regulations; Bilateral agreements with TWAs; To include discussions of migrant labour issues to the tripartite structures; To provide legal support; To monitor working and living conditions of migrant workers; Structural: To develop union membership (to extend it if a person leaves to another country); Structures (e.g. a department) working with migrant workers and their recruitment should be established in TUs.
Recommendations for international trade union organizations Participants from EU member-states: To organize meetings for TU leaders explaining them the legal base regulating migration and employment of migrant workers; To invite experts for these meetings.
Recommendations for international trade union organizations (2) Participants from non-EU member states: To provide monitoring of implementation of ILO norms; To establish a co-ordinating centre in ITUC ; To prepare methodical recommendations for affiliates; To organize trainings for TU activists dealing with migration.
Recommendations for international trade union organizations (3) English-speaking group: To produce an overview of countries which ratified ILO conventions; To summarise bad and good experiences of TU work wirh migrants; To produce overview of European legislation on migration; To set up a network with a purpose to monitor migration issues; To inform migrant workers in their languages before they leave; To monitor sub-contractors and TWAs imposing strict measures if they violate rights of migrant workers.