Henning Gisselø Danish Meteorological Institute in Copenhagen Operational forecaster for 17 years
S03 HIRLAM (NWP) has problems when predicting 2mTemp (max and min) in cases with no or just a few clouds.
S03 HIRLAM 3.3km * 3.3km * 40 layers * 90sek +54 h Hydrostatic Introduced spring 2009
In situations with only a few clouds the model is predicting too low max temp in day time and too high min temp in night time.
CASE The night between the 13 th and 14 th October 2009
Analysis, 14 th Oct. 00 UTC
NOAA, 14 th Oct. 02:43 UTC
S03 2mT Min, wind, cloudcover
Possible explainations from The HIRLAM Developing Group
DAYTIME CLOUDCOVER MODEL: many clouds ACTUALLY: few clouds RESULT: higher temp observed than predicted by model
DAYTIME EVAPORATION MODEL: high evaporation (moist soil) ACTUALLY: low evaporation (dry soil) RESULT: higher temp observed than predicted by model
NIGHT TIME CLOUDCOVER MODEL: many clouds ACTUALLY: few clouds RESULT: lower temp observed than predicted by model
NIGHT TIME HEAT CONDUCTION FROM GROUND MODEL: high heat conduction from ground ACTUALLY: low heat conduction from ground RESULT: lower temp observed than predicted by model
NIGHT TIME VEGETATION MODEL: low vegetation ACTUALLY: high vegetation High vegetation cools more efficient than low vegetation, producing a cooler surface layer. RESULT: lower temp observed than predicted by model Growing through spring and summer