NATURE-SDIplus Metadata Specification Co-funded by the Community Programme eContentplus ECP-2007-GEO
2 GOALS OF THE METADATA FOR THE PROJECT To allow discovery and use of datasets To provide a relevant and comprehensive description of NATURE-SDIplus datasets: datasets from the nature conservation domain in the scope of the INSPIRE directive. To give for data providers recommendations and guidelines to build an INSPIRE compliant catalogue. DATASETS INTO THE NATURE-SDIplus SCOPE Datasets concerned by the following INSPIRE themes: Annex I: Protected Sites Annex III: Biogeographical region, Habitats and biotopes, Species distributions
3 NORMATIVE FOUNDATION OF NATURE-SDIplus METADATA INSPIRE implementing rules and guidelines Conceptual Model ISO 19115:2005, Geographic information – Metadata ISO 19119:2005, Geographic information - Services Encoding ISO TS Metadata XML encoding
4 ORGANISATION AND CONTENT INSPIRE Implementing Rules for metadata INSPIRE Metadata regulation Metadata are organized through three levels Metadata from the INSPIRE core elements, common to all NATURE-SDIplus metadata. Elements are: - Title, abstract, - INSPIRE Theme, - Bounding Box, -...
5 INSPIRE Implementing Rules for metadata Metadata for all themes ORGANISATION AND CONTENT Result of the user-needs identified Requirements by INSPIRE DS annex I Common metadata elements to all the metadata describing Dataset Elements are: - Spatial representation - Type of geometry: curve, polygon, axis description - Lineage: How the data have been produced. - The coordinate reference system -...
6 INSPIRE Implementing Rules for metadata (table 1 ) Metadata for all themes (table 2) Specific metadata for protected Sites Profile for Protected Sites ORGANISATION AND CONTENT Requirements from INSPIRE DS Protected Sites Third level: specific for each INSPIRE Annex Metadata elements specific for the protected sites metadata Elements are: - Application schema: the INSPIRE application schema used to produce the data - Quality elements: percent of missing data -...
7 INSPIRE Implementing Rules for metadata Metadata for all themes Specific metadata for biogeographical regions Specific metadata for Habitats & Biotopes Specific metadata for Species Distribution Profile for Bio- geographical regions Profile for Habitats & Biotopes Profile for Species Distribution ORGANISATION AND CONTENT NATURE-SDIplus Specific metadata elements
8 NATURE-SDIplus SPECIFIC ELEMENTS ISO metadata elements not required by INSPIRE regulation: For Habitats and Biotopes: Acquisition method: method used to acquire the data NATURE-SDIplus Metadata Extension: Species information: Taxon include within the species distribution data
9 NATURE-SDIplus ISO EXTENSION FOR SPECIES DISTRIBUTION Goals : To identify and describe uniquely a species or a group of species which are described in dataset To Build catalogue index on taxonomic rank of the species Vernacular Name : Bonelli eagle taxon rank Name : Species Taxon Rank value : Hieraeetus Faciatus authorCitation : Viellot 1822
10 INSPIRE Implementing Rules for metadata Metadata for all themes Specific metadata for protected Sites Specific metadata for biogeographical regions Specific metadata for Habitats & Biotopes Specific metadata for Species Distribution Profile for Protected Sites Profile for Bio- geographical regions Profile for Habitats & Biotopes Profile for Species Distribution Profile for Spatial services ORGANISATION AND CONTENT Finally, six metadata profiles are defined