WELCOME PALMETTO VISION (Integrating UICDS, IPAWS and vUSA) The goal of this effort is a county-centric Emergency Management Common Operating Picture (EM-COP) framework that provides ESF personal consistent processes, tools, in order to more effectively plan and respond to real-time events. Presentation prepared by: Phillip Armijo – Director of Programs Robert Zawarski – Chief Technology Officer Earth Technology Integration (ETI)
Information sharing leads to improved situational awareness (SA) and a common operational picture (COP) that can be seamlessly updated. S ITUATIONAL A WARENESS
IPAWS ALERTS AND UICDS APPLICATION INTEGRATION UICDS provides IPAWS compliant CAP Alerts from Multiple Applications to IPAWS UICDS receives IPAWS CAP Alerts and Notifies Multiple Applications that the Alert was Made Unified Incident Command and Decision Support (UICDS) Middleware UICDS Compliant Incident Management Application UICDS Compliant Sensor or Location Application UICDS Compliant Critical Infrastructure Application UICDS Compliant Resource, Personnel, SOP Application UICDS Compliant Geospatial Map Viewer Application
3. Authorize Feed End-User Geospatial Viewer 1. Register Incident Feed Incident – Map – ICS Structure - SOPs Sensors – Alerts – Resources – Plans Geospatial Data Source Virtual USA Geospatial Catalog and Access Control Geospatial Data Source 1. Publish Feed Catalog 2. Request Feed 2. Provide Feed 1. Register Feed Geospatial Data Source UICDS Directory Service Data Sources 1. Publish Feed Catalog 2. Select Incident- Relevant Feed 3. Request Incident-Relevant Feed 2. Provide Feed 2. Update UICDS Work Products with Selected Feed Data in Standard Format 4. Provide Updated Feed to vUSA Clients End-User Geospatial Viewer Data Sharing Between UICDS and Virtual USA 3. Authorize Feed 3. Share Standard Format with Many UICDS Applications UICDS Middleware vUSA Interface Operations UICDS Consumer Interface Operations UICDS Provider Interface Operations Data Source Interface Operations Key
UICDS CORE ETI’ S F RONT E ND GUI* IPAWS OPEN 2.0 W EB EOC * EM-COP G OOGLE E ARTH * ESRI A RC T OOLS ** P ICTOMETRY V IEWER ** * The main focus of the Beta Test is to validate the selection of UICDS and IPAWS as the data exchange backbone of the Palmetto Vision framework. The baseline toolset demonstrates a broad range of the systems initial capabilities. **Viewing the data can be accomplished using a range of different front end software tools. As the Palmetto Vision system evolves additional front end interfaces will be connected to the UICDS Core. E ND U SER A PPLICATIONS A PPLICATION I NTEGRATION
P ALMETTO V ISION - A Spoke-and-Hub Design Project Overview: Hub server installed at State Emergency Operating Center (SEOC) 30 servers deployed to County Emergency Operating Center’s (CEOC) South Carolina National Guard (SCNG) 1 server and 7 workstations Oct 12 th Beta Testing starts Oct 20 th Working Group meets to establish when system goes from Beta to Operational Palmetto Vision has been recognized by SAIC, the developers of UICDS, and DHS for size, scope and uniqueness of it's UICDS implementation South Carolina will be one of the first to implement a state-wide IPAWS system allowing every county access to the full-range of IPAWS-OPEN 3.0 capabilities. DHS's Virtual USA is integrated into the Palmetto Vision network to seamlessly share data to every county as well as out to the state and federal level. Displaying Data within COP: Infrastructure Federal Level – HSIP Freedom State – DOT (Traffic Cams), DHEC, SCGIS, and Forestry Commission County – GIS Departments Vehicle tracking – Blue Force Tracking, AFF, Outerlink, and FleetMatics Personnel tracking – FlexTrain, cell phone GPS apps EMD Specific 911 calls Live video streaming – tablets, cell phones, county buildings, and schools
W EB EOC – A DJUST THE MAP, O NE MOUSE CLICK Location Address Icon Latitude/Longitude
UICDS – A N EW I NTERFACE Current Icon Event information Download KML
T ASKS A) Associate Files to a specific Incident B) Share Incident out to other servers C) Push Incident information through vUSA D) Supports Red Cross Shelter XML schema E) WebEOC to IPAWS CAP message
UICDS – S HARING OUT THE I NCIDENT Select the checkbox(s) and click on Apply.
UICDS – A SSOCIATING FILES Fill in the URL Click on Map
UICDS – A W EB EOC I NCIDENT IN THE COP Dynamic KML file consistently updates as new information is associated with an Incident The Tree displays: Computer name, incident, board name, and event
HSIN – D ATASETS & W EATHER Icons are from the HSIP Communication data layer Blue and green shapes are from National Radar Mosaic
E AGLE V ISION S ATELLITE IMAGERY When there’s a Presidential Disaster Declaration, South Carolina's National Guard Eagle Vision program will shoot satellite images of the affected areas and those images will be displayed in the COP. Each county will be able to download each image for further analysis.