What Guides Your Decisions/Actions? COACHING PHILOSOPHY What Guides Your Decisions/Actions?
A philosophy is a way of thinking about the world, the universe, and about people It is a set of values and beliefs that you believe in. There are several philosophies that apply to the field of sports and coaching.
PHILOSOPHIES Philosophical Foundation (s) Idealism- (Plato)Believes in truth and goodness, and wisdom. There is good found in everyone and the glass is half full perspective Coach: There are lessons to be learned in losing and winning. Word: Sportsmanship Realism- (Bacon) Believes in the world as it is and the ability to change it. Truth is what we sense and observe, scientific knowledge and common sense. Coach: Can take any athlete and mold and develop them to a better player. Word: Realistic Essentialism- Believes in the tradition, back to the basics approach. Coach: To instill the fundamentals of the sport first, also instill basic values like duty, character, discipline and knowledge. Word: tradition
Existentialism- (Sartre) Believes we are all have free will to determine our reality. Coach: The individual athlete controls his contribution and what type of athlete he will be. Word: Self-determination Perennialism- (Hutchinson) Believes in everlasting ideals, things that are proven and have stand the test of time. Coach: Would rely on the same structure or play or method because it has worked over and over. Word: Proven Progressivism- (Dewey) Believes in the student-centered concept. Learning is done best through engagement and motivation. Coach: It is the coach responsibility to motivate and stimulate their athletes. Word: Athlete-centered Behaviorism- (Skinner) Believes you are a product of your environment. Who you are is reflected in you actions. Coach: The coach would believe in discipline, positive behavior, and building leaders. Word: Character education .
DEVELOPING YOUR PHILOSOPHY Philosophy toward the student-athletes in your program Philosophy toward your responsibilities as a head coach.
Developing a philosophy: Knowing yourself, your strengths, weakness and areas requiring improvement Knowing what you are up against and the obstacles you may encounter Understanding your athletes, their personalities, abilities, goals, and why they are in your sport Know the philosophy you select as the foundation and be able to apply it.
A LOOK AT GREAT COACHES and athletes ONE LINERS. They reflect an aspect of their philosophy. After this exercise, what would be yours? What is mine?
ASSIGNMENT Develop your coaching philosophy. a. Typed 1 page paper using 12” font. b. Solid paragraphs covering the following I. Identify an established philosophy and explain why. 2. Detail the role of the coach and what are the things that are important in your program. 3. The role and the responsibilities of the student-athlete in your program. 4. Summarize thoughts on goals and winning/losing.