The Lecture 6. The Sociology to spiritual life Sociology to spiritual life includes the sociology of the education, sciences, cultures, religions. 1. Sociology education. The system of the education includes the row a section: system of the preschool education, general school, professional-technical education, average special education, higher education, post education, system of increasing to qualifications and refresher courses of the personnel, education on interest. For sociology of the education important knowledge motive pupils, efficiency of the education, its dug in increasing of the qualifications and participation in decision public facilities problems. Alongside with unbringing the respect to labour and professional orientation essential role in formation of the personalities play humanization formation, development of the home rule, production beside youth practical skill to organizational and public work.
2. Sociology sciences: sociology of the science relatively new branch of the social knowledge. She was separated from study of the science though and on modern stage of the development society, in the beginning XXI age continues closely to interact with other scientific discipline- a historian and philosophy of the science, economic organization to scientific activity. In ditto time sociology sciences all more often became to cover the questions, referring to competencies of the sociologies of the knowledge, which puts its problem of the discovery social components consciousness’s and activity of the people in sphere of the science and formation.
3. Sociology cultures. 3. Sociology cultures. Understanding the culture as social phenomenon enables and possibility select in extensive world of the sociological science special direction- a sociology of the culture. The Sociology of the culture appeared as reaction on the known insufficiency positivism to sociologies, not coping with analysis of the complex social processes, including - a processes in sphere of the spiritual life, sciences, art, religions, ideologies. The Sociology of the culture is oriented not as much on fixing and description that or other phenomenas of the culture as on study of the genesis and history transformation of the different cultural forms.
4. Sociology religions. First of all sociology to religions characterized evolution approach and impossibility to agree on determination holy, forming sum and substance to religions. The Religion is systematically studied beside authors, who try to refer it to sociological category, are interested religion as phenomena mainly social, cultural and spiritual.