Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Culture
Alexander the Great Macedonia was a powerful kingdom to the north of the Greek city-states Philip II reorganized the Macedonian army and adopted the phalanx system Conquered all of the major Greek city-states except Sparta and became the new leader of Greece in 338 BC, he was assassinated in 336 BC After his death, his son Alexander came to the throne ( BC) - Alexander was a great military leader and strategist
Reestablished control in Greece due to a revolt Thebes resisted and Alexander burned down the city and sold all the people into slavery Decided to fulfill his father’s dream of conquering the Persian Empire Destroyed the Persian army and emperor Darius III fled – he was later murdered by one of his own officers After this victory, Alexander led his army deeper into Asia Went and conquered parts of India When his army refused to go any further, Alexander agreed to go home
On his way back home, Alexander fell ill in the city of Babylon and died a few days later He left no heir, so his generals began to fight for control In the end the empire was divided among the three most powerful generals Macedonia and Greece, Persian Empire, and Egypt Legacy of Alexander Created new cities, most of them named Alexandria Built Alexandria as the Greek capital of Egypt – important city which had a famous library Alexander envisioned a world in which many cultures would live together
Made a conscious effort to bring people and ideas from different places together Alexander married two Persian princesses Encouraged Greeks to move to the Alexandria cities Created a new type of culture Blended elements of Greek civilization with ideas from Persia, Egypt, and Central Asia Created the Hellenistic Era Hellenistic means “to imitate the Greeks” Expansion of Greek language and ideas to other parts of the world Massive spread of Greek colonists to Asia
Hellenistic Achievements - philosophers Interest in Greek philosophy Cynicism school of philosophy = cynics rejected ideas of pleasure and wealth Instead people should live according to nature Epicureans = people should seek out pleasure and avoid pain Stoicism – great emphasis on reason, self-discipline, and emotional control Stoics believed people should identify their proper role in society and strive to fulfill that role
Hellenistic Achievements – Science and Math Euclid = formulated many of the ideas about geometry that are still used and learned today Eratosthenes = determined the world was round and calculated its circumference Archimedes of Syracuse = one of the greatest inventors of the ancient world Established the value of pi, developed a compound pulley that could lift heavy loads, and used levers and pulleys to lift a ship out of the water Alexander’s empire fell apart soon after his death, and the different Hellenistic kingdoms were shortly conquered by the Romans