Secondary Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome in None Ambulatory Myelodisplastic Children
Authors Norman Ramirez MD Pablo Valentin BS Frances M. Rodriguez BS/ RT Francisco Jaume MD Axel Velez MD Ivan Iriarte MD John Flynn MD ( Deceased)
Introduction None ambulatory children with myelodysplasia develop progressive neuromuscular scoliosis at an early age. This early onset scoliosis affect lung growth and normal respiration. They develop Secondary Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome due the diaphragms is forced cephalad by the collapsing spinal deformity and short trunk. The natural history of Secondary TIS has never been described
Purpose To evaluate the spine and chest anatomy of early onset scoliosis in myelodysplastic none ambulatory patients. Determine how the chest wall mechanics and lung function are affected Describe the natural history of Secondary TIS
Methods and Material 31 Myelodisplastic None Ambulatory patients were evaluated Demographic History and physical examination Radiographs CT scans Pulmonary function test Arterial blood gases Echocardiogram
Results 15 male/ 16 female Two patients currently deceased due to respiratory failures Average age : 14.6 years ( range : 5 – 27 years) Body Mass Index : 18 ( range : 8 to 33 ) Respiratory problems: Snoring : 17 pts Mouth breathing: 21 pts Cessant Breathing: 9 pts Insomnia : 7 pts Somnolence: 7 pts
Radiographs Scoliosis Level : Mostly T8 to Pelvis Cobb Angle: AP Supine: 30° Sitting : 40° Sitting push up: 29° Lateral : Kyphosis Lordosis Sitting : 35° 75°
Radiographs Space available for the Lung (SAL) : 85% Thoracic Spine Height : Sitting 18 cm Sitting Push up 19 cm Supine traction 20 cm Lumbar Spine Height: Sitting 9 cm Sitting Push up 12 cm Supine traction 10 cm
Ct Scan Thoracic Spine Height: 19 cm Expected: 28 cm Lumbar Spine Height: 11 cm Expected: 18 cm Lung Volume 1376 cm 3 Expected Lung Volume ( Age/Gender) 3195 cm 3 Lung Volume/ Expected Lung Volume: 43 %
Pulmonary Function Test Forced Vital Capacity %: 56 Forced Expiratory Volume 1 %: 55 FEV1/ FVC Ratio: 112
Blood gases/ Echocardiogram Blood Gases : PO2 : 99 PCO2: 35 HCO3: 25 Echocardiogram: No evidence of pulmonary hypertension
Conclusions This the first study to validate the entity named Secondary TIS In none ambulatory myelodysplastic patients the progressive spine deformity causes Secondary TIS At early age the respiratory dysfunction can be difficult to detect clinically The most important factor was the sagittal spine deformity.