The Enlightenment Spreads Governments and the Church felt God had set up the way things were in society (ie Absolute monarchies) and it was their duty to defend ‘God’s Order.’ –They turned to censorship, restricting access to ideas However, the Enlightenment spread in other ways Salons, informal social gatherings, were used as a place where people could discuss the issues of the day. Even women, like Mary Wollstonecraft, were allowed to take place in these discussions. –Wollstonecraft herself argued that women should have a right to an education just like a man
Enlightened Despots Some kings and queens of Europe even began to accept some Enlightenment ideals. –They became known as ‘Enlightened Despots’ FREDERICK II (The Great) of PRUSSIA and CATHERINE the GREAT OF RUSSIA –Both were considered Enlightened Despots. –However, both rulers NEVER let enlightenment ideas weaken their rule.
Change in the Arts The Enlightenment brought change in art and music. During Louis XIV’s reign, a Greek-inspired art style known as baroque was popular. –During the Age of Reason, rococo, a simple style that was more personal, became popular Some of the giants of music emerged in this time including Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and George Frederick Handel. Note the audio.
Economic Enlightenment Adam Smith –Created the economic system of capitalism. –Based on the concept of division of labor One person is assigned to one task, many people combine to make a product. –Believes strongly in the philosophy of laissez –faire economics. This is the idea that government should not involve itself in ANY way in the economy.