Departure and Arrival Procedures
2-2 Questions: 1.Have you had the experience of going abroad? 2.Do you know what the documents you should prepare at airport are? 3.Are you aware of the things that you shouldn’t bring in or out of your country?
2-3 Here is a travel checklist. Which of the following items do you consider indispensible ( 不可或缺的 ) for traveling abroad? Put a check ( ) in the box and explain why.
2-5 At the airport: departure procedures (Alice Chen: A Ground Staff: G) A: I’d like to check in. G: May I have your passport and ticket, please? A: Here you are. Can I have a seat by the window?
2-6 G: I am sorry Miss Chen. All the window seats are taken. How about an aisle seat? A: Well, alright, if that’s all that’s left. G: Do you have any baggage to check in? A: Yes, only one suitcase.
2-7 G: All right. Just put it on the scale, please. A: OK, I think it weighs around 17 kilograms. Is it overweight? G: Don’t worry the allowance is 20 kilograms. A: Oh! By the way, I have earned more than 30,000 air miles. Can I upgrade to business class?
2-8 G: Yes, Miss, no problem. A: That’ll be great. G: OK. Here is your ticket, baggage claim tag, boarding pass and your passport. You will be boarding from Terminal 2, Gate Number 15. The boarding time is 12:30 p.m. A: Thank you very much.
2-9 Going through Immigration Procedures (Tim Wang: T Custom officer: C) T: Excuse me. Is this the window for non- citizens? C: Yes. Your passport, ticket and disembarkation card please. T: Here you go.
2-10 C: What’s the purpose of your visit? T: Sightseeing. I am a tourist. C: Are you traveling alone? T: I am with my wife. C: How long will you be staying?
2-11 T: We’ll be here for two weeks. C: Where are you going to stay? T: We will be staying at a hotel. C: OK. I have no more questions for you. Here’s your passport. Enjoy your trip. T: Thank you.
2-12 Departure Procedures Please be sure to arrive at the airport at least two hours before your flight departure time. Essential Documents for Departure: ( 1 ) Passport ( 2 ) Plane Ticket Departure Procedures are as Follows:
2-13 Check-in Counter 1.Please present your plane ticket and passport at the check-in counters. 2.Be sure to retrieve your passport, plane ticket and boarding pass.
2-14 3.Please ensure that baggage receipts are attached, if you have baggage to check in. 4.Before leaving the check-in counter, you must confirm that your baggage has successfully passed X-ray inspection.
2-15 Passport Inspection After checking in, please prepare your passport, boarding pass and embarkation form and present them to the passport control officer.
2-16 Security Inspection Be ready with your passport, boarding pass and departure registration form. Please queue up to enter the security line and place the carried-on baggage into the X-Ray machine. All metal objects (including mobile phones, keys, ect) should be put in a small basket and retrieve them after passing through the gate.
2-17 Boarding Go to the boarding gate according to the instructions.
2-18 Arrival Procedures Essential documents for arrival: Local Residents: (1) Passport (2) Customs Declaration Form Passengers of foreign nationality: (1) Visa (2) flight ticket (3) Disembarkation Form
2-19 Arrival procedures are as followed:
2-20 Immigration Counter Before you disembark from the aircraft, flight attendants will distribute Disembarkation and Customs Declaration forms. Please complete these forms before reporting to immigration and baggage inspection.
2-21 Passport Inspection To the immigration officer, please present your travel documents: (1)Passport (2) Visa (3) Boarding Pass (4) Customs Declaration Form (5) Disembarkation Form
2-22 Baggage Claim Proceed to the baggage reclaim area to retrieve your baggage.
2-23 Quarantine 1.Passengers are not allowed to bring: (1) plants or meat products (2) fruits or vegetables (3) animals, including live animals 2.If you wish to bring any of these products or a pet, please contact the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine for further information.
2-24 Customs If the items in your baggage are not dutiable, please proceed to the “Nothing to Declare” counters. If you are bringing dutiable goods, proceed to the “Declare” counters.
2-25 是非題 1.Passengers of foreign nationality should fill out disembarkation forms to complete arrival procedures. 2.Passports and plane tickets are essential documents for departure.
2-26 3.Passengers are free to bring plants and meat products as a souvenir for their friends. 4.Passengers are advised to arrive at the airport at least five hours before their flight departure time.
2-27 選擇題 Which of the following documents is NOT needed for passport inspection when you arrive at a foreign country? (A) Plane tickets (B) Boarding passes (C) Customs declaration forms
2-28 2.Which of the following objects should be put in a small basket when you go through security inspection? (A) books (B) coins (C) pencils
2-29 3.Which are the correct departure procedures that passengers should follow? (A)Check-in Counter Security Inspection Passport Inspection Boarding (B)Check-in Counter Passport Inspection Security Inspection Boarding (C)Passport Inspection Check-in Counter Security Inspection Boarding
2-30 4.Which are the correct arrival procedures that passengers should follow? (A)Immigration Counter Passport Inspection Baggage Claim Customs Quarantine (B)Immigration Counter Passport Inspection Quarantine Baggage Claim Customs (C)Immigration Counter Passport Inspection Baggage Claim Quarantine Customs
2-31 5.If you the items you bring are dutiable, you should proceed to. (A)Check-in counter (B) Nothing to declare counter (C)Declare counter
2-32 1.upgrade [,Vp`gred] vt. 給 …… 升級 例: Mr. Wang is allowed to upgrade to first class because he has earned more than 100,000 air miles. 2.procedure [prE`siG2] n.[C] 手續,程序 同義詞: process , course 例: At the airport, passengers are required to follow the correct departure and arrival procedures.
2-33 3.essential [I`sWnSEl] adj. 必要的 同義詞: important , necessary , vital 例: A positive attitude is essential to achieving one’s goals. 4.document [`dakjEmEnt] n.[C] 證件 同義詞: paper 例: Before checking in, passengers should be ready with the needed documents, such as passport and plane ticket.
2-34 5.counter [`k0nt2] n.[C] 櫃台 例: Tony mailed his parcel at the post office counter. 6.inspection [In`spWkSEn] n.[C] 檢查 例: Every machine in the factory must undergo a safety inspection every year.
2-35 7.present [prI`zWnt] vt. 提交,呈遞 同義詞: give , offer 例: Students must present their final papers to their professor by the end of the semester. 8.retrieve [rI`triv] vt. 取回 同義詞: recover 例: Sam knelt to retrieve his pen from the floor.
2-36 9.ensure [In`SUr] vt. 確保 同義詞: make sure , assure 例: Please ensure that the door must be locked before we leave. 10.attach [E`tA7] vt. 貼上,繫上 例: Tom attached the label to his luggage.
2-37 11.confirm [kEn`f3m] vt. 確認 例: Mary called the airline to confirm her flight reservation a week before she left for the US.. 12.registration [,rWGI`streSEn] n.[U] 登記,註冊 例: May I have your passport? We need it to complete your registration.
2-38 13. metal [`mWtL] n.[C,U] 金屬 例 :This table is made of metal. 14.instructions [In`strVkSEns] n.[P] 指示 例: Patients are advised to read the instructions before taking the medicine.
2-39 15.nationality [,nASE`nAlEtI] n.[C,U] 國籍 例: George is of British nationality. 16.attendant [E`tWndEnt] n.[C] 服務員 例: The flight attendant showed how to use a life jacket before the plane took off.
2-40 17. contact [`kantAkt] vt. 聯繫 ( 某人 ) 例 :If you have any questions, please contact us as soon as possible. 18. declare [dI`klWr] vt. 申報 例 :John declared his income on line.
2-41 1. allowance [E`l0Ens] n.[S] 限重;允許量 2. business class 商務艙 Oeconomy class 經濟艙 Ofirst class 頭等艙 3. departure [dI`par7272] n.[U] 出境 反義詞 arrival [E`r1vL] n.[U] 入境
2-42 4. check-in [`7Wk,In] n.[U] 辦理登機手續 5. boarding [`bCrdI99] n.[U] 登機 6. baggage receipt [`bbAgIGrI`sit] n.[C] 行李收據 7. embarkation [,Wmbar`keSEn] n.[U] 出境 反義詞 :disembarkation [,dIsWmbar`keSEn] n.[U] 入境
2-43 8. immigration [,ImE`greSEn] n.[U] 移民 9. baggage claim [`bAgIGklem] n.[C] 行李領取 10. quarantine [`kwCrEn,tin] n.[U] 檢疫隔離 11. customs [`kVstEms] n.[P] 海關
2-44 12. The Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine 動植物防疫檢疫局 13. dutiable [`djutIEbL] adj. 應納稅的
2-45 1. report to + N 向 …… 呈報 例 :Once you find out who the killer is, report back to me immediately. 2. proceed to + N 前進到 例 :Passengers for New York should proceed to Gate 22 for boarding.
2-46 1.Before leaving the check-in counter, you must confirm that your baggage has successfully passed X-ray inspection. = Before you leave the check-in counter, you must confirm that your baggage has successfully passed X-ray inspection.
2-47 》由 before / after/ when / while / if / though / once ( 一旦 ) / unless ( 除非 ) 這八個副詞連接 詞所引導的副詞子句中,主詞若與主要子句 的主詞相同時,則可將該副詞子句化簡成分 詞片語。 例: Before Sam goes to bed, Sam always drinks a cup of milk. = Before going to bed, Sam always drinks a cup of milk.
2-48 例: After Mary hears the news, Mary starts crying. = After hearing the news, Mary starts crying. 例: When Tony feels tired, Tony will take a nap. = When feeling tired, Tony will take a nap.
2-49 練習: ( 請下列句子中的副詞子句,化簡為分詞片語 ) 練習: After Peter hears the joke, Peter bursts out laughing. → _________________________________. 練習: When you face danger, you sould stay calm. →_________________________________.
2-50 練習: Before Tom hands in his papers, he will double-check. →__________________________________. 練習: While Andy was walking on the street, Andy ran into his teacher. →__________________________________.
2-51 2.Be ready with your passport, boarding pass and departure registration form. 》此為文章中常見的 A, B(,) and C 的平行句 構。特別注意在使用此一句型時, A , B 和 C 必須一致,即必須為相同的詞性、片語或 子句。 》此句中 passport , boarding pass 和 departure registration form 三者皆為名詞。
2-52 例: Betty ate a hamburger (N1), two pieces of cakes (N2) and some cookies (N3) as her breakfast. 例: Edward is tall (Adj1), handsome (Adj2) and rich (Adj3). 例: The little boy ran (V1), jumped (V2) and screamed (V3) all around the house.
2-53 練習: ( 請使用平行句構翻譯下列句子 ) 練習:瑪莉喜歡讀小說、報紙和漫畫。 →__________________________________. 練習:珍妮又高、又瘦、又漂亮。 →__________________________________. 練習:上星期天,喬治看了一部電影、買了 兩本書和玩了三個小時的電動。 →__________________________________.
2-54 1. The moment the fire broke out, the man took off his shirt, it in the water and put out the fire with it. (A) and sinking (B) to sink (C) sank (D) sinking
2-55 2. After by her teacher, Mary ran crying all the way home. (A) scold (B) scolded (C) scolding (D) being scolding
2-56 3. With a new system installed, the building is much safer than before. (A) security (B) customs (C) nationality (D) document
2-57 4. Travelers should their flights 48 hours before departure to ensure correct flight information and inform the airline of any special needs. (A) declare (B) attach (C) confirm (D) retrieve
2-58 5. You can’t just throw away the toxic waste. There are standard for getting rid of it. (A) registrations (B) allowances (C) counters (D) procedures
2-59 6. To that the cakes are really to their taste, the customers are welcome to try any of them before making their decisions. (A) upgrade (B) instruct (C) ensure (D) register
2-60 7. A flight is someone who serves food and drinks to passengers on a plane. (A) reporter (B) attendant (C) inspector (D) instructor
2-61 8. After you fill out the registration form, please a photo of yourself and mail it to our office. (A) attach (B) ensure (C) inspect (D) attend
2-62 9. Electricity is to human life. It is difficult to live without it. (A) national (B) secure (C) present (D) essential
2-63 10. Jessica was very angry while for her boyfriend. (A) she waits (B) waiting (C) to wait (D) waited
2-64 克漏字 Part A Baggage Check-in (Mr. Wang: W Ground Staff: G) G: How many bags will you be checking in today? W: I have three check-in luggage and one carry-on bags. G: May I see you carry-on bags?
2-65 W: What’s the baggage 01. ? G: Each passenger is allowed 02. a total of 20kilos on Economy, 30kilos on Business, and 40 kilos on First class. Please put your luggage on the scale. W: Is it 03. ? G: It’s 30kilos for Economy. I am sorry, but you have to pay excess baggage charges.
2-66 01. (A) allowance (B) procedure (C) document (D) registration 02. (A) to bring (B) to bringing (C) for bringing (D) bringing 03. (A) essential (B) outnumbered (C) overweight (D) dutiable
2-67 Part B Getting Ready for Boarding the Plane (George: G Mary: M) M: When are we boarding? G: In about an hour. M: Great. Before 04., we still have time for shopping at duty-free shops.
2-68 G: I prefer taking a rest at the airport longue. It provides a variety of foods, snacks, 05. beverages. Best of all, you can take a shower there. M: OK. You stay here, and I am going shopping.
2-69 04. (A) to board (B) boarded (C) boarding (D) being boarding 05. (A) but (B) or (C) nor (D) and
2-70 Role Play 角色扮演 At the Customs Work with a partner. Take turn playing a customs officer and a traveler to have a conversation.
2-71 As a customs officer, you should: 1. ask how long the traveler will stay. 2. ask when he/she will be leaving. 3. ask why he/she is here. 4. ask he/she to show his/hers declaration form.
2-72 As a traveler, you should: 1. decide how long you will be staying. 2. inform when you plan to leave. 3. decide the purpose of your trip. 4. present your declaration form.
2-73 Example: ( C : customs officer T : traveler ) C : Excuse me, sir. I need to see your passport and declaration form. T : Here you go. C : Is this all of your luggage?
2-74 T : Yes, I only bring one bag with me. C : Put it on the counter so I can inspect it. T : OK. C : How long will you be staying? T : For a week.
2-75 C : What will you do during your stay? T : Visit my parents, get around and go shopping. C : Very well. Here is your passport. Have a nice trip. T : Thank you.
2-76 Now create a conversation with your partner.