Horticulture II - LC Plant ID Herbaceous Perennials I
Astilbe cv. CN: Astilbe (Spireas) Feathery, tall panicles Flowers: tiny, fluffy Leaves: glossy green, toothed
Canna x generalis CN: Canna Tall Leaves: wide, furled thick thick variety of variegations variety of variegations Flowers: 3 petals, tall stalk white, yellow, orange, red white, yellow, orange, red
Chrysanthemum X superbums CN: Shasta Daisy Perennial bedding plant Flowers: white petals, yellow centers white petals, yellow centers Leaves: narrow, serrated Sun-loving 1-3’ high
Clematis x jackmanii Clematis Vine twining stems, semi-woody twining stems, semi-woody Rapid growth Rapid growth Flowers: large, 5-7” many colors many colors lots of blooms. lots of blooms.
Gelsemium sempervirens CN: Carolina jasmine Twining, evergreen vine Leaves: glossy, dark green dark purple yellow in winter dark purple yellow in winter Flowers: clusters, trumpet-shaped fragrant, yellow, waxy fragrant, yellow, waxy
Helleborus orientalis CN: Lenton Rose Clump-forming Flower: large, cup-shaped rose-like, “nodding” rose-like, “nodding” pink, purple, white pink, purple, white winter-flowering winter-flowering Leaves: palmate, 8-16” leathery, glossy leathery, glossy dark green dark green
Perennials II Hort. II - Landscaping
Hemerocallis cv. CN: Day Lily Perennial Clump-forming Leaves: long, arching, grass-like Flower: leaf-less stalk Large, 6 petals Large, 6 petals Many colors Many colors
Hosta sp. CN: Hosta Ground Cover Wide, long leaves 7” x 3”, whorled 7” x 3”, whorled Variety of greens grown for foliage Flowers: spikes lily-like lavender to white lily-like lavender to white
Iris X germanica var. Florentine CN: Bearded Iris Perennial Flowers: 6 petals 3 on bottom, 3 on top 3 on bottom, 3 on top Tufts of hair down middle Tufts of hair down middle Stalks, ~ 3’ tall Stalks, ~ 3’ tall Leaves: sword-shaped ~ 2’ tall ~ 2’ tall
Paeonia sp. CN: Peony Large, bushy Easy to grow Flower: huge, showy sweet fragrance sweet fragrance shades of red, pink, white shades of red, pink, white single or double single or double Leaves: lobed, divided
Phlox paniculata CN: Garden Phlox Tall-growing Flowers: conical clusters tops of stems tops of stems pink, purple, white pink, purple, white Blooms lavishly & for long time. Blooms lavishly & for long time. Leaves: lance-shaped
Verbena x hybrida CN: Verbena Annual in NC Many forms: trailing, mat, bushy, upright Leaves: oblong, toothed gray green to dark green gray green to dark green Flower: small 5-petaled in rounded clusters blue, purple, pink, red, yellow, white, bi-color blue, purple, pink, red, yellow, white, bi-color