The International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management Supply Chain Management and Strategic Sourcing embracing purchasing, materials, logistics, supply chain management and strategic sourcing
Malcolm MacOwan Youngson - Chief Executive Officer Executive Leadership Support Advise IFPSM Council on Policy Develop and Implement IFPSM Strategy IFPSM Board Member IFPSM Global Standard Board Member Senior executive with CIPS,IET and two Russell Group Universities in UK The IFPSM
The International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (IFPSM) the network of global opinion, knowledge and best practice. Be part of it: advance the supply chain management profession around the world and influence international business practices. The IFPSM
Group of leading luminaries from major associations in 1973 gathered to discuss developments of the profession. Evolved into more formal structure and grew in the number of participants and associations represented. Real emphasis on the development of associations. Moved from an administrative Secretary General to an executive Director General in 2007, giving greater capacity to be proactive and more task delivery orientated. Partnerships with International Organizations-World Bank, UN, IPSERA Global Assessment Organization The IFPSM - History
National associations who are professionally engaged in procurement and recognised in their country as the leading associations are eligible to join the IFPSM. Global reach. Strong partnership network. Facilitation and distribution of knowledge. Elevation and advancement of the profession. Impact on international supply management business practices. Regional Representation-Regional Vice Presidents members of IFPSM Board IFPSM -Africa Region- Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda and ? The IFPSM - Membership
Congratulations : Tanzania! Procurement and Supplies Professionals and Technicians Board (PSPTB). 1 st Affiliate Member of IFPSM in Africa The IFPSM - Membership
Our vision IFPSM is recognised as the international federation that facilitates the development and sharing of the practice of the purchasing and supply management profession, wherever it is practiced, through our network of member organisations.
Our mission To increase the ability of IFPSM’s network of member organisations to be more effective in serving our members and the profession.
Our objectives Promote the development and recognition of the profession. Share knowledge on best practices, ethics and guidelines to assist associations in delivering quality products, programs and services to their members. Support the development and recognition of professional purchasing and supply associations. Present a unified face for the profession where our collective position is more meaningful and relevant than the work of any one association.
What is it? A quality standard for supply chain education/accreditation programs Sets out the mix of knowledge, learning and skills against which programs can be assessed and accredited Outcomes based – not prescriptive as to design, delivery or assessment models Provides an external, objective assessment Global recognition Programs are re-assessed every 3 years to ensure that they continue to meet the standard IFPSM Global Standard for Professional Competence in Purchasing and Supply Management
Who can apply? The aim of the program is to recognize as wide a variety of learning programs, designations and awards as possible University programs College programs Professional association programs Partnerships The minimum requirement is that the program meets the required standard of breadth and depth at an intellectual equivalence of a first degree (either in the program itself or through the entry requirements) IFPSM Global Standard for Professional Competence in Purchasing and Supply Management
What is the content? The following 8 core areas must be covered in program seeking to apply for the Global Standard, and must comprise a minimum of 70% of the overall learning outcomes: IFPSM Global Standard for Professional Competence in Purchasing and Supply Management Pre-contract Sourcing Contracting and legal issues Supplier management and performance Relationships Technology Professionalism, management, Ethics and CSR Strategy and strategic issues
What is the content? The program must also address broader general business disciplines, such as the following: IFPSM Global Standard for Professional Competence in Purchasing and Supply Management Marketing Storage and Distribution Operations management in the supply chain Sustainable procurement Project management Finance
Congratulations : Tanzania! Procurement and Supplies Professionals and Technicians Board (PSPTB). Potential to be the First in Africa! Part A –Success Part B Scheduled for completion in early 2016 The IFPSM – Global Standard
10 Key Factors for Consideration Know who you are Buying From Keep it Short and Keep it Simple Think about Payment and Currency International Delivery is Complex and Risky Look Ahead and Work Through Warranty Support International Procurement Contract Management
10 Key Factors for Consideration Keep an Eye on Product Liability and Safety Do not Lose Control of Intellectual Property Rights Focus on Tax Issues Try to contract in accordance with English or international Law Don’t become Complacent! International Procurement Contract Management
Conclusions and Implications International Procurement Contract Management