Spanish-American War and the Growth of Imperialism
A. Cuban Revolutionaries What do you see in the picture Who are these men? What do you think caused them to rebel?
A. Cuban Revolutionaries Cuba was a Spanish colony Americans had a lot of money invested in sugar plantations Cubans revolted against Spain for their freedom Spain put down the revolt brutally Anti-Spanish sentiment in the U.S.
B. Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine What is happening here? Who did this ship belong to? What was the ship doing in Cuba? Why do you think the ship was destroyed?
B. Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine Battleship Maine was in Cuba to protect American property during the Cuban uprising An explosion sunk the Maine U.S. said Spanish sunk the Maine (“Remember the Maine!”) (Really an accident caused by an internal explosion)
C. Headline of the Maine Explosion According to the headline, what caused the Maine explosion? Who is being blamed?
C. Headline of the Maine Explosion Headlines roused Anti-Spanish sentiment Called for U.S. intervention in Cuba This type of journalism is called “yellow journalism” Pays little attention to the facts
D. Political Cartoon of Spanish- American War What do you see in this cartoon? What event is the cartoon commenting about? If you saw this in a newspaper, how would feel about the Spanish?
D. Political Cartoon of Spanish- American War Cartoon was used to stir up support against the Spanish Also used to urge for overseas expansion President McKinley opposed intervention in Cuba at first He finally gave into political and public pressure and war broke out on May 1, 1898.
E. War in the Philippines Who is at war? Which country initiated the attack? Who appears to be winning?
E. War in the Philippines Fighting began in another Spanish Colony, the Philippines Entire Spanish fleet was sunk by the U.S. in the Battle of Manila U.S. helped a Filipino uprising against the Spanish Spain was defeated but the Philippines did not get their independence
F. Uncle Sam After the Spanish-American war Who is the father? Who are the children? What is the message of the cartoon?
F. Uncle Sam After the Spanish-American war U.S. wins the Spanish-American War U.S. acquired the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico Cuba became a protectorate of the U.S. U.S. also annexed Hawaii
G. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Who is the man pointing the gun? Who is he pointing at? Who does he seem to be protecting?
G. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt pushed for greater U.S. involvement in world affairs His foreign policy was big stick diplomacy or gun boat diplomacy “Speak softly and carry a big stick” was his motto Roosevelt Corollary was used to justify U.S. intervention in Latin America
H. The Panama Canal Where is this construction taking place? What is being built? What are the advantage of a canal?
H. The Panama Canal The French tried and failed to build a canal across Panama Roosevelt wanted the U.S. to finish the Panama Canal Started a revolution between Panama and Colombia to gain the land
H. The Panama Canal Work was hard and dangerous Many deaths Completed in 1914 Gave U.S. navy an easy route to both oceans Now easier to expand influence around the world
I. Boxer Rebellion U.S. wanted trading rights in China US wrote the Open Door Notes Stated U.S. position that China should be open to all countries Chinese revolted Known as Boxer Rebellion
J. The World’s Policeman Who is the policeman? Who are the people around him? Why is he so much larger than the rest?
J. The World’s Policeman Roosevelt thought the U.S. had an international policy duty Roosevelt Imposed U.S. values on other countries He led construction of the Panama Canal, negotiated treaties in Asia, and dominated affairs in Latin America
K. Woodrow Wilson What kind of personality do you think he had? How is he different from Teddy Roosevelt?
K. Woodrow Wilson Professor President of Princeton University Governor of NJ Promoted “Moral Diplomacy” Wanted worldwide democracy, world peace, and to secure American interests around the world
L. Wilson and Mexico Who does the man on the left represent? What do you think Wilson is saying?
L. Wilson with Mexico U.S. continued to maintain affairs in Latin America Wanted to use “Moral Diplomacy” to make Mexico more democratic
M. Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii Hawaii important provisioning stop for whalers, shippers and sailors Sugar became an important crop U.S. spread Christianity there US wants to control Hawaii
Get control of Pearl Harbor Queen Liliuokalini attempts to restore Hawaiian power Whites revolt 1898, U.S. annexes Hawaii Will become an important naval base
Notebook Assignment Turn your notebook sideways Using a straightedge, divide the paper in half Measure down one inch from the top and draw a straight line across the paper Label the left side A and the right side B
In box A write the following: From the perspective of the United States, U.S. foreign policy towards ________ was like a __________.
In box B write the following: From the perspective of ________, U.S. foreign policy was like a _________
Pick a territory from the list and fill in the first blank in box A and B: Cuba Philippines Panama China Mexico Hawaii
Review the foreign policy toward that country and write a simile in the second blank
Include a color illustration to represent the metaphor Write three bullet pointed reasons to support your metaphor