Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Edit for Run- on Sentences Objective : Students will eliminate run-on sentences and other grammar and punctuation mistakes in their stories. Focusing Question : What strategies can you use to improve grammar and punctuation in your short stories? Strategy : To eliminate run-on sentences by either: – splitting the run-ons into shorter sentences using conjunctions or – adding the correct punctuation.
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Mini Lesson Run-ons are sentences that go on too long. They happen when two separate sentences or clauses get combined without punctuation. Eliminate run-ons by: 1.Splitting the run-on into two shorter sentences using a period. Run-on: Larissa loves to write music she knows how to play the guitar and sing. 2.Separating clauses with a coordinating conjunction (and, but, etc.) and a comma. Run-on: Jimmy studies Spanish vocabulary with Christopher they also quiz each other on math. 3. Using a semicolon and adverb. Run-on: Jessie attended a new school she stayed on the soccer team.
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Writer’s Work Time 1.Reread your story. 2.Look for places where you have run-on sentences and fix them by adding the appropriate punctuation. 3.Use the Editing Checklist (Handout 6.1a) as a guide to self-edit your work. 4.Check your writer’s notebook for notes about final revisions you planned to make. 5.Run a spelling and grammar check on your story. 6.Reread your draft to make sure the changes you made do not affect the flow of your writing. 7.Resave your draft and submit it to Step 5 of the Online Classroom to the assignment titled, Submit Your Revised Story.
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Editing work makes it ready for online publishing in the eZine. Is your work ready for an audience?