Hey Y’all! Write down your Focus, Essential Question, Objective, and Homework from the board. Once Draw the two charts located on the WHITE BOARD into your notebook. Be sure to leave space for notes. Title the page “American Colonization” Once you are done, turn to your data tracker in your notebook (inside back cover of your notebook) and write the following assignments Causes of Exploration Quiz Columbian Exchange and Slave Trade Quiz I will call you up one by one to give you your quiz grade.
COLONIZATION 101 How did COMPETITION for resources influence colonization?
What is colonization? Colonization or Colonialism is the taking over of a country for its resources. Colony – a territory under control of a mother country, which is settled by a group of people. Examples – 13 colonies of America were settled by the British. We see this occurring after the Columbian Exchange. Europeans began to take over countries in the New World to gain more resources.
Let’s Process How would competition for resources (Starburst) between different countries influence colonization? Did the demonstration seem fair to the colonized country?
God, Gold, Glory AND… God – the want to spread religion. The idea that Europeans were supposed to take over the New World Gold – the want to be wealthy by gathering riches Glory – the want to be famous.
Imperialism Building one’s country by acquiring (taking over) other lands. Europeans did this to enhance their empire. The population in many European countries was growing and their was a want to expand territory.
Encomienda A legal system that was used mainly by the Spanish to regulate Native American labor in the Spanish colonies. Viceroy (General) was appointed to be responsible for the natives. Had to convert them to Christianity and teach them Spanish language. Then forced the natives to harvest crops and mine for gold.
Treaty of Tordesillas Signed by the Pope (Leader of the Catholic church) in 1494 ONLY TWO YEARS AFTER COLUMBUS LANDED!!! Gave Portugal control of everything in Latin America to the EAST of the Line of Demarcation. Gave Spain control of everything to the WEST of the Line of Demarcation.
Casta (Caste) System Born in Spain Peninsulares – MAJORITY OF THE POWER Spanish mom and dad, but born in the New World Creoles Mestizo – Spanish father Native mom Mullato – Spanish father, African mom Mestizos/Mullatoes Africans/Slaves – MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION
Exit Ticket Explain how competition for resources influences colonization in 2-3 complete sentences.