Syllabus de la Clase de Español 3 con Señora Bergeron Developing Skills: Interpretive Reading Can you understand what you see? Interpretive Reading Can you understand what you see? Interpersonal Communication Can you have a conversation with someone else? Interpersonal Communication Can you have a conversation with someone else? Presentational Speaking Can you express yourself in speech? Presentational Speaking Can you express yourself in speech? Presentational Writing Can you express yourself in writing? Presentational Writing Can you express yourself in writing? Interpretive Listening Can you understand what you hear? Interpretive Listening Can you understand what you hear? My Schedule: My My Schedule: My Course Description : Continuation of communicative approach and objectives of Level 2 and a more in depth study of the structure of the Spanish language More interpersonal communication, interpretation and presentation skills are expanded to included authentic realia.
You & Me If academic or behavior problems arise, I will talk to you first so that you have a chance to correct them before others are involved* *excludes actions that cause a safety threat You & Me If academic or behavior problems arise, I will talk to you first so that you have a chance to correct them before others are involved* *excludes actions that cause a safety threat La Clase de Español 2 con Señora Bergeron Building Your Binder: This needs to come to class every day! 1 ½ - 2” Clear View 3 Ring Binder “Actividades” Section for classwork and homework “Vocabulario” Section for word lists “Apuntes” Section for Notes “Canciones/Lecturas” Section for lyrics & readings “Pruebas” Section for quizzes 5 Divider Tabs Notebook Paper 2 Different Colored Highters Pens or Pencils Classroom Policies & Procedures Try it Again! Tests and Quizzes can be re-taken at within a week of original test/quiz test. Your old grade will be averaged with the new one! Try it Again! Tests and Quizzes can be re-taken at within a week of original test/quiz test. Your old grade will be averaged with the new one! Food & Drink No food or drink is permitted in the classroom No gum chewing in class as we are working on speaking skills. Food & Drink No food or drink is permitted in the classroom No gum chewing in class as we are working on speaking skills. Attendance All attendance / tardy policies & procedures will be followed as stated in the student handbook Attendance All attendance / tardy policies & procedures will be followed as stated in the student handbook Electronic Devices All electronic device policies will be followed as stated in the student handbook. Electronic Devices All electronic device policies will be followed as stated in the student handbook.
Remember I do not GIVE you your grade. You EARN it. Extra Help: I am always here to provide extra help. E mail me with questions any time. I will always provide you guidance, supplemental resources or extra time before school or during my free periods to assist you. ABSENT FROM CLASS? Check my website Check Absent Folder upon return Make up any quiz/test that you missed!